
Transforming Legacy Insurance Applications with Vaadin Technology

Why Vaadin has become the answer to headache-free transformation of insurance legacy applications
Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
June 07
10 min
Table of Contents

In today’s competitive business landscape, insurance companies face the challenge of keeping up with the latest technology trends to stay ahead of the competition. However, they also need to maintain their general flow and keep their legacy applications running smoothly. This is where Vaadin technology comes in, allowing insurance companies to transform their legacy applications to meet modern requirements without conducting a big transformation.

Old meets new

Legacy insurance applications are often built on outdated technology and can be difficult to maintain and update. They can also be challenging to integrate with new systems and technologies, leading to potential operational inefficiencies and missed opportunities for growth.

Why has Vaadin emerged as the favored choice of insurance companies?

Vaadin is a popular Java-based web application framework that allows developers to create modern, responsive, and user-friendly web applications. Insurance companies may favor Vaadin for several reasons:

  • Java-based framework
    Many insurance companies have existing Java-based infrastructure and in-house Java expertise. Vaadin, as a Java-based framework, allows them to leverage their existing resources and knowledge to modernize their applications while maintaining consistency across their technology stack. Vaadin integrates seamlessly with other Java technologies, such as Spring and Java EE, which are commonly used in the insurance industry. This enables insurance companies to leverage their existing Java infrastructure and expertise when building web applications with Vaadin.
  • Component-based architecture
    Vaadin’s component-based architecture simplifies the process of creating complex web applications. Developers can easily build user interfaces using pre-built, customizable components, allowing them to focus on business logic rather than low-level implementation details.
  • Integration capabilities
    As mentioned earlier, Vaadin integrates seamlessly with popular Java technologies, such as Spring and Java EE, which are commonly used in the insurance industry. This makes it easier for insurance companies to modernize their legacy applications while preserving existing business logic and backend services.
  • Low learning curve
    Vaadin’s intuitive API and extensive documentation make it easy for developers to learn and adopt the framework, reducing the time and effort required to transform legacy applications.
  • Support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
    Vaadin supports the development of PWAs, which can provide a native app-like experience on various devices and platforms. This allows insurance companies to modernize their legacy applications and deliver a consistent, high-quality user experience across multiple channels.
  • Scalability and performance
    As insurance companies modernize their applications, they need solutions that can handle increased workloads and user demands. Vaadin is designed to support high-performance, scalable web applications, making it suitable for the needs of growing insurance businesses.
  • Security
    Modernizing legacy applications often involves addressing security vulnerabilities and implementing robust security measures. Vaadin’s built-in security features and best practices help insurance companies ensure that their transformed applications adhere to modern security standards. Vaadin provides built-in security features, such as protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, which are crucial for insurance companies dealing with sensitive customer data.
  • Customizability
    Vaadin’s open-source nature and extensive customization options allow insurance companies to tailor the look and feel of their web applications to match their branding and specific requirements.
  • Reduced time-to-market
    The ease of development, integration capabilities, and pre-built components provided by Vaadin enable insurance companies to accelerate the development process and bring their web applications to market faster.
  • Cross-platform compatibility
    Vaadin applications are compatible with various platforms, browsers, and devices, ensuring that insurance companies can provide a seamless user experience to their customers and employees across different environments.


Vaadin: Bridging the gap for insurance companies

Vaadin technology offers a comprehensive solution for insurance companies looking to modernize their legacy applications. With Vaadin, companies can transform their existing applications without disrupting their current workflows. This technology provides a powerful suite of tools and frameworks that allow developers to create modern, responsive user interfaces and integrate with new technologies such as cloud computing and mobile devices.

One of the most significant benefits of Vaadin technology is its ability to provide a seamless user experience. With its intuitive user interface, Vaadin allows insurance companies to provide their customers with a modern, responsive experience that meets their needs. This technology also allows for the integration of new features and functionalities into existing applications, enabling companies to stay competitive and meet changing customer demands.

Gaining flexibility fast

Another significant advantage of Vaadin technology is its flexibility. This technology can be used to build new applications from scratch or to modernize existing applications. This means that insurance companies can choose the approach that is best suited to their needs, whether that means building a new application or modernizing an existing one.

Vaadin technology also offers scalability. This technology can handle large volumes of data and transactions, making it an ideal choice for insurance companies that need to process large amounts of information. Vaadin can grow with the company, providing a long-term solution for modernizing legacy applications.

Overall, Vaadin technology became a powerful tool for transforming insurance companies with their legacy applications to meet modern requirements.

Vaadin allows companies to provide their customers with a modern, responsive experience while maintaining their general flow. By switching to Vaadin technology, insurance companies can stay ahead of the competition and meet changing customer demands, all while minimizing disruption to their current workflows.


Successes backed by numbers

Insurance companies have already achieved great success in transforming their legacy applications with Vaadin technology. For example, one insurer was able to reduce their development time by 50%, allowing them to develop new features and integrate new systems quickly and efficiently. This helped the company save money on development costs and allowed them to stay competitive in the market.

One insurance company we work with has seen an order-of-magnitude reduction in errors by switching to Vaadin.

Smooth transition to Cloud technologies

Vaadin technology has also allowed insurance companies to take advantage of the latest technologies such as cloud computing and mobile devices. This has enabled them to offer a modern user experience that is responsive, easy to use, and secure. Customers can access their accounts from any device, which helps insurers increase engagement and customer satisfaction.

In addition, Vaadin technology allows for integration with existing software, reducing manual work and allowing for more efficient use of resources. This leads to increased operational efficiency while also providing customers with a better user experience.

Vaadin for insurance transformation projects

Overall, Vaadin technology has proven its worth for insurance companies looking to modernize their systems without disrupting existing workflows. Companies are able to benefit from reduced development costs and increased customer engagement while also taking advantage of the latest technologies on offer today. With its flexibility and scalability, Vaadin became an ideal choice for insurance transformation projects and it will continue to provide significant benefits for companies looking to remain competitive in this digital age.

Scaling legacy insurance applications with Vaadin

Scaling legacy insurance applications with Vaadin technology is an efficient and cost-effective way of modernizing existing systems. With its flexible architecture and powerful suite of tools, Vaadin enables insurance companies to quickly and securely scale their legacy applications. This makes it an ideal choice for companies that need to stay competitive while still maintaining their legacy systems.

Vaadin technology allows for scalability in both the number of users and data processing capabilities. This means that companies can add new features or functionalities to existing applications without having to start from scratch. With Vaadin’s integration capabilities, businesses can also easily connect their applications with other platforms or services, such as cloud computing and mobile devices.

Freeing up business operations

In addition, Vaadin enables businesses to increase efficiencies by reducing manual labor, saving time and money on development costs. With its intuitive user interface, companies can also provide customers with a more responsive user experience, increasing engagement and satisfaction levels. The scalability of Vaadin allows businesses to quickly respond to changing customer demands while still meeting the needs of their legacy applications.

Overall, scaling legacy insurance applications with Vaadin technology is a great way for businesses to remain competitive in today’s digital age without having to start from scratch or disrupt current workflows.

As more companies recognize the advantages offered by this technology, it will become even easier for businesses to remain competitive in today’s market while still taking advantage of their existing infrastructure.

In addition, Vaadin has also enabled insurance companies around the world to increase customer satisfaction by providing users with secure access to their accounts from any device. This improved user experience has helped insurance companies increase engagement levels and allowed them to stay ahead of the competition. With its flexibility and scalability, Vaadin can also help businesses quickly respond to changing customer demands while still maintaining their general workflow.

95% of adopters find Vaadin suitable for scaling enterprise applications

As more companies adopt this technology, the number of users continues to grow year after year. According to the official numbers released by the company itself, there are over 1 million developers using Vaadin today – a figure that is expected to keep increasing in the years ahead.

Additionally, a 2018 study conducted by G2 Crowd concluded that 89% of users found Vaadin easy-to-use while 95% found it suitable for scaling enterprise applications. These figures demonstrate just how powerful this technology truly is when it comes to modernizing legacy systems without disrupting current workflows or sacrificing user experience levels.

Vaadin: technology that fits Enterprise applications

Vaadin is a highly suitable technology for enterprise applications due to its advanced scalability capabilities and intuitive user interface. With its flexible architecture, Vaadin allows businesses to quickly add new features and functionalities to existing applications without having to start from scratch.

Additionally, companies can easily integrate their applications with other platforms or services such as cloud computing and mobile devices. This helps them meet the demands of their customers who may use multiple devices while also taking advantage of cost savings by reducing manual labor.

Migration to Vaadin: What Business Outcomes Can You Expect?

Improved User Experience

Migrating to Vaadin can lead to a better user experience for both customers and employees:

  • Responsive design
    Vaadin allows developers to create responsive web applications that adapt to any device or screen size.
  • Rich UI components
    Vaadin provides a wide range of pre-built, customizable UI components that enable the creation of interactive and visually appealing web applications.
  • Faster load times
    Vaadin’s efficient rendering engine and client-side caching can help reduce page load times, leading to a smoother user experience.

Increased Accessibility and Cross-Platform Compatibility

Migrating to Vaadin improves accessibility and compatibility across different platforms, browsers, and devices:

  • Web-based applications
    Vaadin applications are accessible through web browsers, making them platform-independent and easy to access from any device with an internet connection.
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
    Vaadin supports the development of PWAs, which provide a native app-like experience on various devices and platforms without the need for separate app development.

Reduced Development and Maintenance Costs

Migrating to Vaadin leads to lower development and maintenance costs, thanks to:

  • Component-based architecture
    Vaadin’s component-based architecture simplifies the development process, reducing the time and effort required to build and maintain web applications.
  • Integration with Java ecosystem
    Vaadin’s seamless integration with existing Java technologies allows businesses to leverage their current infrastructure and expertise, minimizing the costs associated with adopting a new technology stack.
  • Easier updates and bug fixes
    The modular nature of Vaadin applications makes it easier to update individual components or fix bugs without affecting the entire application, reducing maintenance costs.

Enhanced Security

  • Vaadin provides built-in security measures, such as protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.
  • The Vaadin team regularly releases updates and patches to address security vulnerabilities and keep the framework up-to-date with the latest best practices.

Scalability and Performance

  • Optimized rendering engine
    Vaadin’s optimized rendering engine and client-side caching can help improve the performance of web applications, even with large amounts of data or high user loads.
  • Scalable architecture
    Vaadin’s modular architecture allows for easy scaling of applications as the business grows or user demands increase.

Easing Insurance transition to Vaadin: finding an expert IT team

Over 1 million developers are currently using Vaadin technology worldwide. Vaadin combined with an expert team is a straightforward way to make the legacy application transformation problem-free.

How do we know so much about Vaadin? We have been accompanying one of the giants of the insurance industry in its transformation for more than two years. Our 16 years in the market, seniority expertise and strong Java competencies, as well as our partnership attitude, make us a companion in digital transformations for companies in the insurance sector. See the success story of HDI & get in touch to discuss your case!

Monika Stando
Monika Stando
Marketing & Growth Lead
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IT Director At PSA Group Germany

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