
How Can the Automotive Industry Address IT Talent Challenges

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
July 01
7 min
Table of Contents

The automotive industry is currently facing significant challenges in hiring, retaining, and educating top talent. Rapid technological advancements and the shift towards electric and autonomous vehicles have intensified the demand for highly skilled professionals. However, the industry is grappling with a shortage of qualified candidates, making it difficult to fill key positions.

Survey findings reveal a dual challenge: not only must companies focus on hiring new talent to keep up with evolving technological demands, but they also need to invest in educating and upskilling their existing workforce. This dual focus is essential to maintain a competitive edge and drive innovation within the industry.

Addressing these challenges requires a strategic approach, including partnerships with educational institutions, robust training programs, and attractive career development opportunities to ensure the industry’s sustained growth and success.


Analyzing the talent acquisition challenge

The automotive industry is experiencing significant challenges in talent acquisition, driven by several key factors:


#1 Competitive landscape for tech talent: As the automotive sector increasingly integrates advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and autonomous systems, the competition for skilled tech talent has become fierce. Companies across various industries are vying for the same pool of highly specialized professionals, making it challenging for automotive companies to secure top-tier talent.

#2 Rising salary expectations: Developers and tech experts are commanding higher salaries, reflecting their crucial role in driving innovation. For smaller automotive companies or startups, meeting these salary expectations can be particularly daunting, putting them at a disadvantage compared to larger corporations with more substantial financial resources.

#3 Industry-specific impact: The need for specialized knowledge in areas like vehicle electrification, autonomous driving, and advanced manufacturing means that generic tech skills are often insufficient. The industry demands candidates who possess not only technical prowess but also an understanding of automotive-specific applications and regulations.


Insights and tips for attracting top talent

#1 Leveraging industry partnerships and internships: Building strong relationships with educational institutions and offering internship programs can create a steady pipeline of emerging talent. These partnerships allow companies to identify and nurture potential hires early, providing students with practical experience and fostering loyalty to the company.

#2 Showcasing innovation and growth opportunities: Highlighting the company’s commitment to innovation and its role in shaping the future of mobility can make it more attractive to prospective employees. Offering clear career growth trajectories, opportunities for professional development, and involvement in cutting-edge projects can help entice top talent to join and stay with the company.


Navigating the retention roadblock

Retaining talent is becoming increasingly difficult for automotive companies due to several interrelated factors:


#1 Evolving workplace culture and expectations: Employees today prioritize a positive workplace culture, career development opportunities, and work-life balance more than ever before. Companies that fail to meet these expectations struggle to retain top talent.

#2 Remote work preferences: The pandemic has reshaped work preferences, with many employees now expecting flexibility in their working arrangements. Automotive companies that can’t adapt to these changes may find it hard to keep their workforce engaged and satisfied.

#3 Specific challenges in the automotive sector: The industry traditionally relies on hands-on, in-person roles, which makes transitioning to remote work more challenging. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancements demands continuous upskilling, adding pressure on both employees and employers.


Practical tips for improving retention

#1 Implementing comprehensive career development plans: Offer clear and structured career development plans that include training programs, mentorship opportunities, and pathways for advancement. This helps employees see a future within the company and feel valued for their contributions.

#2 Fostering a positive and inclusive company culture: Create a workplace environment that promotes inclusivity, collaboration, and recognition. Regularly seek employee feedback and make adjustments to ensure the culture aligns with their needs and values.

#3 Offering competitive benefits beyond just salary: To attract and retain talent, provide benefits that support a healthy work-life balance, such as flexible working arrangements, health and wellness programs, and paid time off. These benefits demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of your employees, making them more likely to stay.


Solving the education equation

By addressing these challenges and implementing these strategies, automotive companies can develop a highly skilled workforce capable of driving innovation and sustaining growth in a rapidly changing industry.


#1 Rapid pace of technological change: The automotive sector is experiencing unprecedented technological advancements, from electric vehicles to autonomous driving systems. This rapid evolution requires continuous updating of employee skills to stay relevant.

#2 Balancing training costs and logistics: Providing ongoing training while managing day-to-day operations can be costly and logistically challenging. Companies must find a way to integrate learning without disrupting productivity.


Strategies for effective workforce development

#1 Creating personalized learning paths: Tailor training programs to individual employees’ needs and career goals. Personalized learning paths help ensure that the training is relevant and engaging, leading to better retention and application of new skills.

#2 Investing in technology and platforms: Utilize advanced technology and learning platforms to facilitate continuous education. Online courses, virtual simulations, and e-learning modules can make training more accessible and flexible, accommodating different learning styles and schedules.

#3 Partnering with academic institutions and online providers: Collaborate with universities, technical schools, and online course providers to offer specialized training programs. These partnerships can provide access to cutting-edge knowledge and resources that might not be available in-house.


Integrating solutions: A holistic approach

#1 Unified talent acquisition strategy

  • Cross-functional hiring panels: Include members from different departments in the hiring process to ensure new hires fit well within the company culture.
  • Skill development programs: Offer internships and apprenticeships that integrate academic learning with practical, hands-on experience.


#2 Retention through Continuous Development

  • Career pathing: Develop clear career progression paths with opportunities for advancement and skills diversification.
  • Mentoring programs: Establish mentorship initiatives that pair new employees with seasoned veterans to foster knowledge transfer and professional growth.


#3 Comprehensive education initiatives

  • Ongoing training: Implement continuous training programs that keep employees up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies.
  • Partnerships with educational institutions: Collaborate with universities and technical schools to provide advanced courses and certifications relevant to the automotive industry.


The role of leadership in driving a culture that values continuous learning and development

  • Lead by example: Executives should actively participate in learning opportunities and demonstrate their commitment to personal development.
  • Encourage innovation: Create an environment where experimentation and innovation are encouraged, allowing employees to learn from successes and failures alike.
  • Recognize achievements: Publicly recognize and reward employees who engage in learning activities and apply their new skills to contribute to the company’s success.


How transparent communication about company challenges and strategies can engage employees at all levels?

  • Open forums: Regularly hold town hall meetings or Q&A sessions where employees can ask questions and receive honest answers about the company’s challenges and strategies.
  • Regular updates: Share frequent updates through internal newsletters or intranet portals to keep employees informed about strategic goals and progress.
  • Feedback mechanisms: Establish platforms for employees to voice their opinions and suggestions, ensuring they feel heard and valued.


The importance of measuring the impact of these strategies on employee satisfaction and company performance

Tracking the effectiveness of integrated strategies is important for continuous improvement:


  • Employee satisfaction surveys: Conduct regular surveys to gauge employee morale, engagement, and satisfaction levels.
  • Performance metrics: Analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) such as turnover rates, productivity levels, and employee engagement scores to assess the impact of implemented strategies.
  • Adjust and improve: Use the collected data to refine and enhance hiring, retention, and education initiatives, ensuring they align with organizational goals and contribute to overall success.



Addressing the intertwined challenges of hiring, retaining, and educating talent in the automotive industry is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. A holistic approach ensures that hiring strategies align with organizational culture and future skill requirements, retention efforts focus on career development and employee satisfaction, and education initiatives promote continuous learning and adaptation to technological advancements.

Leadership is a part of championing a culture of learning and transparent communication, creating an environment where employees feel valued and engaged. By implementing proactive and integrated strategies across hiring, retention, and education, companies can attract, nurture, and retain top talent effectively. Measuring the impact of these strategies facilitates continual improvement and alignment with business goals, enabling automotive companies to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
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Director of Software Delivery at NBS

The IT system supporting the work of retail outlets is the foundation of our business. The ability to optimize and adapt it to the needs of all entities in the PSA Group is of strategic importance and we consider it a step into the future. This project is a huge challenge: not only for us in terms of organization, but also for our partners – including Hicron – in terms of adapting the system to the needs and business models of PSA. Cooperation with Hicron consultants, taking into account their competences in the field of programming and processes specific to the automotive sector, gave us many reasons to be satisfied.


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Peter Windhöfel
IT Director At PSA Group Germany

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