
React.js Development Services

Light JavaScript library for quick development

React JS Development Services

Welcome to Hicron Software House, your go-to React JS Development Company offering top-tier React JS Development Services. We are experts in leveraging the power of React JS, a popular JavaScript library, to deliver interactive and seamless web applications that drive business growth.

At Hicron, as a leading React JS Development Company, we take pride in our team of seasoned developers who are proficient in building high-quality, fast, and scalable web applications tailored to your unique business requirements.

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ReactJS Development: How it started?

React (known also as React.js or ReactJS) is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components.

Created in 2013 by Facebook is now maintained by Meta and a community of individual developers and companies.

Huge support from the tech giant contributed to the broad popularity of React development and React development services. Fast project development, high performance, and flexibility are not empty promises.

The capabilities of React.js are known worldwide, as Facebook is built on this technology and is largely responsible for its widespread recognition.

When is ReactJS good for software projects?

React can be used as a base in the development of single-page, mobile, or server-rendered applications.

However, it is good to point out that React is only involved in state management and then rendering that state to the DOM (Document Object Model). Developing a React application usually requires the use of extra libraries for routing, as well as some client-side functionality.

However, React development means:

  • Highly interactive and responsive user interfaces. Easy to maintain, debug, and update with reusable UI components
  • SEO-friendly and performance-focused fast, lightweight, server-side rendered websites
  • Fast time-to-market thanks to reusable components and Unidirectional Data Flow
  • Scalable and cost-effective development. Modular patterns to structure and scale the project enables incorporating simple and efficient procedures for further advancements.
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React Native Development Services

React Native is an open-source UI software framework created in 2015 by Facebook and now owned by Meta. It is designed for the development of applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows and Universal Windows Platform. React Native enables developers to use the React library along with native platform capabilities.

React Native was developed with a simple aim – faster cross-platform mobile development. React Native enables faster development of mobile apps with one codebase. With faster development also comes more efficient maintenance and support, and as of that better developer experience and better resource allocation.

Also please note, despite the name Native, you cannot build fully native applications with React Native.

React.js development services to empower your business

React is designed for building engaging user interfaces and web applications. It is a front-end library aimed at delivering a performance-oriented experience. In composition with modern tools, React.js development company provides unlimited possibilities to create software oriented to generate business value.

React.js development allows you to power your backend with a modern design and highly reliable speed. Whether it’s a legacy update or creating a solution from scratch, the React services will power business operations.

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React.js development suits businesses of all sizes

Even though React is a library, not a framework, it still drives major businesses with its capabilities. One of the best-known examples is Facebook, but Netflix, Uber, and Yahoo are also benefiting from React’s capabilities.

What might be seen as a disadvantage can be also beneficial in the hands of skilled React developers. Being a library means freedom that no framework could provide. It’s up to the development team to choose tools and packages to build complex and stunning applications of all kinds.

A number of React-based frameworks have emerged in recent years to provide developers with a more robust set of built-in tools. Together, they provide a faster way to deliver React.js services and projects without relying on so many third-party libraries.

Among the most popular of these frameworks are Next.js, Gatsby, and Redwood.js, all of which are used to create full-scale both dynamic and static React applications.

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React JS Development Services to Reach Business Goals

Our React JS Development Services are all-encompassing, covering everything from single-page applications to complex interactive web apps. We understand that every business has unique requirements, and we tailor our solutions accordingly to deliver a product that aligns perfectly with your business goals.

Choose Hicron Software House as your trusted React JS Development Company. Let us help you leverage the power of React JS with our exceptional services. Reach out to us today to discuss your project and discover how we can help you achieve your business objectives.


As a software house supporting complex business operations, we have created countless custom solutions for our clients in the retail, automotive, and construction industries, among others, based on React. Aside from React.js, we also deliver solutions with Vue.js and Angular. The choice of technology depends on the individual business requirements of the project.

In Hicron Software House work with full-stack developers and cloud specialists. That means we can take care of the whole project: beginning with a discovery phase, collecting business requirements, composing a team, developing the backend and front end, setting automated tests, and building cloud architecture. You are the one determining the scope of cooperation!

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What our partners say about us

Hicron’s contributions have been vital in making our product ready for commercialization. Their commitment to excellence, innovative solutions, and flexible approach were key factors in our successful collaboration.
I wholeheartedly recommend Hicron to any organization seeking a strategic long-term partnership, reliable and skilled partner for their technological needs.

tantum sana logo transparent
Günther Kalka
Managing Director, tantum sana GmbH

After carefully evaluating suppliers, we decided to try a new approach and start working with a near-shore software house. Cooperation with Hicron Software House was something different, and it turned out to be a great success that brought added value to our company.

With HICRON’s creative ideas and fresh perspective, we reached a new level of our core platform and achieved our business goals.

Many thanks for what you did so far; we are looking forward to more in future!

hdi logo
Jan-Henrik Schulze
Head of Industrial Lines Development at HDI Group

Hicron is a partner who has provided excellent software development services. Their talented software engineers have a strong focus on collaboration and quality. They have helped us in achieving our goals across our cloud platforms at a good pace, without compromising on the quality of our services. Our partnership is professional and solution-focused!

NBS logo
Phil Scott
Director of Software Delivery at NBS

The IT system supporting the work of retail outlets is the foundation of our business. The ability to optimize and adapt it to the needs of all entities in the PSA Group is of strategic importance and we consider it a step into the future. This project is a huge challenge: not only for us in terms of organization, but also for our partners – including Hicron – in terms of adapting the system to the needs and business models of PSA. Cooperation with Hicron consultants, taking into account their competences in the field of programming and processes specific to the automotive sector, gave us many reasons to be satisfied.


PSA Group - Wikipedia
Peter Windhöfel
IT Director At PSA Group Germany

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