
Quantifying Technical Debt in the Automotive Industry

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
June 21
16 min
Table of Contents

In the automotive industry, software highly participates in vehicle functionality, safety, and performance. Modern vehicles rely heavily on complex software systems for everything from engine control to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). The pressure to innovate rapidly and meet market demands often leads to the accumulation of technical debt. This can manifest in several ways:

  • Design and architecture: Poor architectural decisions can make the software hard to modify and extend.
  • Code quality: Quick fixes and poor coding practices can lead to bugs and inefficiencies.
  • Testing and validation: Inadequate testing can result in undetected defects that affect vehicle safety and reliability.


The consequences of neglecting technical debt in this sector can be dire, ranging from increased costs and delayed product releases to serious safety issues and regulatory non-compliance.


Importance of quantifying technical debt to understand its impact on IT balance sheets

#1 Financial clarity: By assigning a monetary value to technical debt, organizations can better understand its impact on their IT balance sheets. This helps in making informed financial decisions and allocating appropriate resources for debt repayment.

#2 Prioritization: Knowing the extent and cost of technical debt allows businesses to prioritize which debts to address first based on their potential impact. This ensures critical issues are tackled promptly, reducing long-term risks.

#3 Resource allocation: Accurate quantification helps in planning and allocating resources efficiently. It ensures that teams focus on high-impact areas rather than less critical tasks.

#4 Risk management: Understanding the financial impact of technical debt aids in risk management by highlighting potential areas of vulnerability. This is especially important in the automotive industry, where software defects can have significant safety implications.

#5 Strategic planning: A clear picture of technical debt enables better strategic planning for future projects. It helps in making decisions about technology upgrades, refactoring existing systems, and investing in developer training to prevent further debt accumulation.


What is technical debt?

Technical debt in software development refers to the future costs incurred due to taking shortcuts or suboptimal decisions during the development process. These shortcuts can lead to complications that impede software growth, create quality issues, and have significant financial implications.


Types of technical debt

  • Design debt: This occurs when the software architecture is flawed or suboptimal, leading to increased complexity and maintenance effort.
  • Code debt: Happens when poor coding practices or quick fixes are implemented instead of well-structured code, resulting in code that is difficult to maintain or extend.
  • Defect debt: Includes known bugs or issues that are deferred to be fixed later, adding to the overall debt.
  • Documentation debt: Arises when there is insufficient or outdated documentation, making it hard for developers to understand and work on the codebase.
  • Test debt: This occurs when inadequate testing is done, leading to undetected bugs and vulnerabilities that can cause problems later.


Consequences of neglecting technical debt in the automotive sector

Neglecting technical debt in automotive software development can have severe consequences, including:

  • Increased maintenance costs: As technical debt accumulates, it becomes more expensive to fix issues and make necessary updates. The maintenance effort required grows significantly over time.
  • Reduced software quality: The presence of unresolved technical debt can lead to lower software performance, reliability, and safety, which is critical in automotive applications.
  • Slower time-to-market: Addressing accumulated technical debt can slow down the development of new features and enhancements, delaying product releases and making it difficult to keep up with market demands.
  • Regulatory compliance issues: In the automotive industry, failing to address technical debt can result in non-compliance with stringent regulatory standards, leading to legal and financial penalties.
  • Customer dissatisfaction: Poor software performance and frequent issues due to technical debt can lead to negative customer experiences and a loss of brand reputation.


By proactively managing and addressing technical debt, automotive software developers can mitigate these risks and ensure that their products remain reliable, compliant, and competitive.


Challenges in quantifying technical debt

Quantifying technical debt presents several challenges due to its multifaceted nature. Capturing the true extent and impact of technical debt involves understanding both visible and invisible elements within a software system. Here are some of the key challenges:


#1 Subjectivity of assessment

Different stakeholders may have varying perspectives on what constitutes technical debt, leading to inconsistent assessments. Developers, managers, and quality assurance teams might prioritize different aspects, making it hard to reach a consensus on the extent of the debt.


#2 Lack of standard metrics

There is no universal metric for measuring technical debt, which complicates efforts to quantify it in a standardized manner. Organizations often develop their own metrics, but these can vary widely in their accuracy and relevance.


#3 Dynamic nature

Technical debt is not static; it evolves as the software system changes. New features, bug fixes, and architectural modifications can introduce new debts or change the nature of existing ones. This dynamic aspect makes continuous monitoring essential but difficult to implement effectively.


#4 Cost estimation difficulties

Assigning a monetary value to technical debt involves predicting future costs related to maintenance, refactoring, and potential issues. These predictions are inherently uncertain and can be influenced by numerous factors, such as team expertise and technology advancements.


The complexity of identifying hidden technical debt

Legacy systems

Older systems often accumulate significant technical debt over time, but identifying all the areas affected can be challenging. Legacy code may lack proper documentation, using outdated technologies that current developers are less familiar with, making it harder to pinpoint and assess hidden debt.



Software systems typically involve complex interdependencies between various components. Changes in one part of the system can inadvertently introduce technical debt in another, creating hidden debt that is not immediately apparent.


Lack of documentation

Insufficient or outdated documentation can obscure the presence of technical debt. When documentation does not accurately reflect the current state of the codebase, it becomes difficult to identify areas requiring attention.


Embedded assumptions

Older parts of the code might contain assumptions that are no longer valid but remain unknown until they cause problems. These embedded assumptions form invisible technical debt that can lead to unexpected failures or performance issues.


Tools and techniques limitations

While there are tools available to help identify and measure technical debt, they often have limitations. Automated tools might miss context-specific issues or fail to capture the nuances of certain types of technical debt, particularly those related to design and architecture.


Accurately quantifying technical debt is a complex task fraught with challenges. The subjective nature of assessment, the lack of standard metrics, and the dynamic and hidden aspects of technical debt all contribute to the difficulty. Addressing these challenges requires a combination of robust tools, clear documentation, cross-functional collaboration, and ongoing monitoring to ensure that technical debt is identified, measured, and managed effectively.


The role of metrics and indicators in assessing the magnitude of technical debt

Technical debt, a metaphorical concept, refers to the future costs incurred due to the expedient choices made during software development, which may compromise long-term code quality and maintainability. Quantifying this debt is essential for software engineering teams to manage and mitigate it effectively. Here are some methodologies and metrics used for measuring technical debt:


#1 Code analysis tools

Static code analysis tools can be used to identify potential technical debt by detecting code smells, design flaws, and other issues that may indicate underlying problems.


#2 Financial metrics

Assigning a monetary value to technical debt involves estimating the costs associated with addressing the debt, such as additional development time and reduced productivity.


#3 Principal and interest model

This model likens technical debt to financial debt, where the principal is the initial cost of taking shortcuts, and the interest is the ongoing cost of maintaining the compromised system.


#4 Code quality metrics

Metrics such as code complexity, duplication, and test coverage can provide insights into the areas of the codebase that contribute to technical debt.


#5 Developer surveys and interviews

Engaging with developers to understand their perspective on technical debt can provide qualitative data that complements quantitative metrics.


#6 Issue tracking systems

Analyzing data from issue-tracking systems can reveal patterns and trends related to technical debt, such as the frequency and type of maintenance tasks required.


Incorporating these methodologies allows organizations to form a comprehensive understanding of their technical debt, enabling more informed decision-making and prioritization of refactoring efforts.


The impact of technical debt on IT balance sheets

Technical debt, if not managed properly, can have significant repercussions on an organization’s financial health. In the automotive industry, which relies heavily on sophisticated IT systems for design, manufacturing, and operations, the impact of technical debt can be profound.


#1 Increased maintenance costs

Unaddressed technical debt often leads to higher maintenance costs as more resources are needed to manage, patch, and fix outdated or poorly written code. This can divert funds from other critical areas such as innovation and development.


#2 Delayed projects and time-to-market

Technical debt can slow down software delivery, leading to delays in project timelines and extended time-to-market for new products. This can result in lost revenue opportunities and a competitive disadvantage.


#3 Budget reallocation

Automotive companies might need to reallocate their IT budgets to manage technical debt, impacting investments in new technologies and innovations. This reallocation can hamper long-term strategic goals and growth.


#4 Reduced operational efficiency

Technical debt can reduce the efficiency of IT systems, leading to increased downtime and lower productivity. This inefficiency can have a cascading effect on the entire supply chain, affecting production schedules and delivery timelines.


Financial implications: real cases

Case no.1: Automotive manufacturer

An automotive manufacturer faced escalating maintenance costs due to high levels of technical debt in their production software. Over time, these costs accounted for a significant portion of their IT budget, leading to reduced investment in new digital transformation initiatives. This imbalance affected their market position, as competitors with more modern systems could innovate faster.


Case no.2: Automotive supplier

A major automotive parts supplier experienced frequent system outages and delays in product launches due to technical debt in their inventory management system. The financial implications included not only the direct costs of system repairs and overtime but also lost sales and strained relationships with key automotive manufacturers who rely on their timely deliveries.


Addressing technical debt proactively can help automotive companies avoid these pitfalls, ensuring better financial planning and sustainable IT budget allocations.


Tools and techniques for managing and reducing technical debt

By leveraging these tools and techniques, organizations can effectively manage and reduce technical debt, leading to more maintainable and scalable software systems.


Tools for detection and quantification of technical debt

#1 Static code analysis tools

  • SonarQube: A popular open-source tool used to detect code smells, potential bugs, and security vulnerabilities. It provides metrics that help quantify technical debt.
  • FindBugs/SpotBugs: Tools that analyze Java bytecode to find potential issues that could contribute to technical debt.


#2 Code quality management platforms

  • Coverity: A static analysis tool that identifies defects in source code and helps prioritize them based on their impact on code quality.
  • CAST Software: This platform offers a detailed analysis of application software, providing insights into structural quality and technical debt.


#3 Technical debt estimation models

  • SQALE (Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations) Methodology: A model that assesses technical debt using various quality indices.
  • Principal and Interest Model: Estimates the cost (principal) of fixing the code now and the added future costs (interest) if it’s delayed.


Techniques for managing technical debt

#1 Code refactoring

Regularly improving and cleaning up the codebase to reduce complexity and eliminate code smells without changing its functionality.


#2 Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Automating testing and deployment processes to ensure that new changes do not introduce additional technical debt.


#3 Code review processes

Implementing thorough code review practices to catch potential technical debt issues early during the development cycle.


Visualizing and managing technical debt in agile development environments

A “technical debt board” is an agile practice aimed at visualizing and managing technical debt within development teams2. Here’s how it works:

  • Visualization: The technical debt board serves as a visual representation of all known technical debt items. It typically integrates with agile tools like Jira or Trello, where each debt item is represented as a card.
  • Categorization: Debt items are categorized based on their priority and impact on the project. Categories might include high-priority bugs, medium-priority code smells, and low-priority design flaws.
  • Regular review and prioritization: The board is reviewed regularly during sprint planning sessions. Teams discuss and prioritize debt items, integrating high-priority tasks into upcoming sprints.
  • Tracking progress: The board allows teams to track progress on addressing technical debt. It provides visibility into how much debt has been addressed and how much remains, helping teams manage workload effectively.


Benefits of using a technical debt board

  • Transparency: Provides clear visibility into the state of technical debt across the team.
  • Prioritization: Helps prioritize technical debt tasks based on their impact, ensuring critical issues are addressed promptly.
  • Collaboration: Facilitates discussions about technical debt among team members, fostering a collaborative approach to debt management.


Strategies for mitigating technical debt

By implementing these strategies and best practices, you can mitigate existing technical debt and prevent the accumulation of new debt, ensuring sustainable and high-quality software development.


#1 Conduct regular code reviews

Regular code reviews help identify areas of technical debt early. By having multiple eyes on the code, you can spot potential issues before they become problematic.


#2 Implement automated testing

Automated tests ensure that new changes do not introduce bugs or regressions into the system. This reduces the likelihood of accumulating technical debt due to unforeseen issues.


#3 Refactor continuously

Continuous refactoring helps improve the design of existing code without changing its behavior. This practice keeps the codebase clean and manageable, reducing technical debt over time.


#4 Document code and architecture

Thorough documentation helps developers understand the system’s architecture and design decisions. This reduces the chances of introducing technical debt due to misunderstandings or lack of clarity.


#5 Use static code analysis tools

Static code analysis tools can automatically detect code smells, inefficiencies, and potential bugs. Integrating these tools into your development process helps maintain code quality and prevent technical debt.


Best practices for preventing the accumulation of new technical debt

#1 Set clear coding standards

Establish and enforce coding standards across the team. Consistent coding practices reduce the likelihood of introducing technical debt.


#2 Allocate time for maintenance

Dedicate a portion of each sprint or development cycle to address technical debt. This ensures that maintenance is an ongoing priority rather than an afterthought.


#3 Prioritize quality over speed

Encourage a culture that values quality over quick fixes. Shortcuts taken for the sake of speed often lead to technical debt that becomes expensive to fix later.


#4 Invest in training and development

Keep the development team up-to-date with the latest best practices, tools, and technologies. Skilled developers are less likely to introduce technical debt.


#5 Foster open communication

Promote open communication among team members about the challenges and implications of technical debt. Awareness and collaboration can help prevent its accumulation.


Strategies for prioritizing and addressing existing technical debt

#1 Create a technical debt backlog

Maintain a separate backlog specifically for technical debt items. This helps in tracking and prioritizing them systematically.


#2 Assess business impact

Evaluate the business impact of each technical debt item. Prioritize those that significantly affect performance, reliability, or customer satisfaction.


#3 Use the debt metaphor

Quantify technical debt in terms of cost and interest. This helps stakeholders understand the long-term impact and makes it easier to prioritize debt repayment.


#4 Incorporate debt repayment in sprints

Include technical debt tasks in every sprint planning session. Allocating time regularly ensures continuous progress in addressing debt.


#5 Balance new features with debt reduction

Strive for a balance between developing new features and addressing technical debt. This ensures sustainable development without compromising product quality.


#6 Monitor and report progress

Use metrics to monitor the reduction of technical debt over time. Regularly report progress to stakeholders to keep them informed and engaged in the process.


The role of modernization in overcoming technical debt

Modernization and digital transformation are pivotal in addressing and overcoming technical debt. By adopting modern technologies and practices, organizations can streamline their operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce the burden of outdated systems.


#1 Enhanced system efficiency: Modernization often involves replacing or upgrading legacy systems with more efficient, scalable solutions. This reduces the complexity and maintenance overhead associated with older systems, thereby mitigating technical debt.

#2 Improved agility: Digital transformation enables organizations to be more agile and responsive to market changes. By leveraging cloud computing, microservices architecture, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, companies can release new features faster and with higher quality, reducing the likelihood of accruing technical debt.

#3 Increased collaboration: Modern tools and platforms facilitate better collaboration among development teams. Tools like version control systems, project management software, and automated testing frameworks help teams work more efficiently and prevent the accumulation of technical debt.

#4 Data-driven decision-making: Embracing digital transformation allows organizations to harness the power of data analytics. By analyzing system performance and user feedback, companies can make informed decisions about where to focus their technical debt reduction efforts.

#5 Scalability and flexibility: Modern architectures, such as cloud-native applications, offer greater scalability and flexibility. This not only reduces the costs associated with scaling up but also ensures that systems can evolve without accumulating additional technical debt.


Examples of successful modernization efforts in the automotive industry that led to reduced technical debt

Case no. 1: General Motors (GM)

GM embarked on a significant digital transformation journey by adopting a microservices architecture and cloud-based solutions. This modernization effort allowed GM to streamline its IT infrastructure, reduce dependency on legacy systems, and improve the overall agility of its software development processes. As a result, GM successfully lowered its technical debt, leading to faster innovation and improved vehicle features.


Case no.2: Ford Motor Company

Ford implemented a DevOps strategy that incorporated continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices. By automating the testing and deployment processes, Ford was able to reduce the time spent on manual interventions and minimize errors. This modernization initiative significantly decreased Ford’s technical debt, enabling the company to focus more on customer-centric innovations and advanced automotive technologies.


Case no.3: Tesla, Inc.

Tesla embraced digital transformation through its proprietary software platform, which integrates advanced data analytics and machine learning capabilities. This modernization effort allowed Tesla to predict potential issues in their vehicles proactively and deploy over-the-air updates to address them. By continuously improving its software systems, Tesla managed to keep technical debt at bay while enhancing vehicle performance and customer satisfaction.



Quantifying and managing technical debt is crucial in the automotive industry, where innovation and efficiency are paramount. Technical debt, the future cost incurred due to shortcuts or suboptimal solutions during software development, can lead to increased maintenance costs, reduced system reliability, and slower innovation cycles. In an industry where software integration drives vehicle functionality, understanding and addressing technical debt ensures that it does not hinder progress or compromise product quality.

Regular evaluation and strategic mitigation of technical debt enable automotive companies to enhance system efficiency, improve agility, increase collaboration, make data-driven decisions, and ensure scalability and flexibility by adopting modern architectures.

These practices help streamline operations, reduce the complexity of legacy systems, and maintain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market. By committing to continuous evaluation and mitigation strategies, automotive firms can sustain long-term growth, foster innovation, and deliver high-quality, cutting-edge products to their customers. Addressing technical debt is not just a technical necessity but a strategic imperative for success in the automotive sector.

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
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