
Embracing Lean Principles to Address Technical Debt in Automotive

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
June 27
22 min
Table of Contents

In the ever-evolving automotive industry, where speed to market and innovation are highly important, managing technical debt has become a significant challenge. Technical debt refers to the future costs incurred when developers take shortcuts to meet deadlines, resulting in suboptimal code that requires rework. This concept is particularly relevant in the automotive sector, as companies strive to integrate cutting-edge technologies while maintaining high standards of safety and reliability.


Implications of technical debt in the automotive industry

#1 Increased maintenance costs

Technical debt leads to higher maintenance costs as engineers spend more time fixing defects and refactoring code rather than developing new features. This can be especially costly in the automotive industry, where the complexity of software systems continues to grow.


#2 Slower innovation

With resources tied up in addressing technical debt, the pace of innovation slows down. Automotive companies may struggle to keep up with competitors that have more efficient development processes and lower technical debt.


#3 Compromised quality and safety

In an industry where safety is paramount, technical debt can introduce risks. Poorly maintained code can lead to software malfunctions, potentially compromising the safety and reliability of vehicles.


#4 Reduced agility

High levels of technical debt hinder a company’s ability to respond quickly to market changes and customer demands. This lack of agility can result in missed opportunities and reduced market share.


Lean Software Development: Addressing technical debt effectively

Lean Software Development (LSD) offers a set of principles and practices that can help automotive companies manage and reduce technical debt. Originating from Lean manufacturing methodologies, LSD focuses on delivering maximum value to customers through efficient and sustainable development practices.


Key principles of Lean Software Development

Eliminate waste: Identify and remove activities that do not add value to the customer, such as redundant processes or unnecessary code.

Build quality in: Ensure quality at every stage of the development process to prevent defects and reduce the need for rework.

Create knowledge: Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement to enhance team capabilities and reduce the likelihood of accumulating technical debt.

Defer commitment: Make decisions based on the latest possible information to avoid premature commitments that may lead to technical debt.

Deliver fast: Implement practices that enable rapid delivery of valuable software, such as iterative development and continuous integration.

Respect people: Empower teams to make decisions and take ownership of their work, fostering a sense of accountability and commitment to high-quality outcomes.

Optimize the whole: Focus on optimizing the entire value stream, from concept to delivery, rather than individual components, to ensure overall efficiency and effectiveness.


Technical debt poses significant challenges for the fast-paced automotive industry. However, by understanding its implications and adopting Lean Software Development principles, companies can effectively manage and reduce technical debt. This approach not only enhances the quality and safety of automotive software but also enables firms to innovate and respond to market demands more swiftly. By incorporating LSD into their development processes, automotive companies can achieve a competitive edge and ensure long-term success in an increasingly dynamic industry.


The nature of technical debt in automotive software development

Technical debt in automotive software projects arises when developers make trade-offs between short-term gains and long-term code quality. This can happen due to tight deadlines, resource constraints, or the necessity to integrate new technologies quickly.


Technical debt accrues through various means, such as:

Quick fixes and workarounds: Implementing short-term solutions to meet immediate requirements without considering future maintenance.

Incomplete documentation: Skipping thorough documentation to expedite delivery, resulting in difficulties for future developers to understand the code.

Outdated or inconsistent codebases: Failing to refactor and update legacy code, leading to a tangled and inconsistent codebase.

Lack of testing: Insufficient testing due to time constraints, which increases the likelihood of bugs and defects.


This accumulated technical debt impacts operations and innovation significantly:

#1 Impact on operations

  • Increased maintenance efforts: Engineers spend more time debugging and fixing issues rather than developing new features, leading to higher operational costs.
  • System instability: Poorly maintained code can result in frequent system crashes and failures, affecting the reliability and safety of vehicles.
  • Reduced productivity: Complex and unrefactored code can slow down development processes, reducing overall team productivity.


#2 Impact on innovation

  • Slower time-to-market: Excessive technical debt can delay the release of new features and products, hindering a company’s ability to stay ahead of competitors.
  • Stifled creativity: Developers bogged down by technical debt may have less time and energy to focus on innovative solutions and improvements.
  • Increased risk: Technical debt can introduce vulnerabilities and risks, which are particularly critical in the automotive sector where safety is paramount.


The role of identifying and managing technical debt

To maintain a competitive edge and ensure operational efficiency, it is important for automotive companies to proactively identify and manage technical debt. Here are key strategies to achieve this:


#1 Identification

  • Code reviews and audits: Regularly conducting code reviews and audits to identify areas of technical debt and prioritize them for resolution.
  • Automated tools: Utilizing automated tools and static code analysis to detect technical debt early in the development process.
  • Feedback loops: Establishing feedback loops with development teams to gain insights into potential sources of technical debt.


#2 Management

  • Refactoring: Continuously refactoring code to improve its structure, readability, and maintainability, thereby reducing technical debt.
  • Comprehensive testing: Implementing rigorous testing practices, including unit tests, integration tests, and automated testing, to ensure code quality.
  • Documentation: Maintaining thorough and up-to-date documentation to facilitate understanding and maintenance of the codebase.
  • Agile practices: Adopting Agile methodologies that emphasize iterative development and continuous improvement to manage technical debt effectively.


By identifying and managing technical debt, automotive companies can enhance their operational efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and foster a culture of innovation. This proactive approach not only ensures the delivery of high-quality software but also enables firms to respond swiftly to market changes and customer demands, securing a sustainable competitive advantage in the dynamic automotive industry.


Core principles of lean software development

Lean software development is a methodology derived from lean manufacturing principles aimed at improving efficiency by minimizing waste and optimizing processes. The core principles are:

  • Eliminate waste: Identify and remove any activity that does not add value to the customer.
  • Build quality in: Prevent defects by integrating quality checks into the development process.
  • Create knowledge: Encourage continuous learning through feedback and improvements.
  • Defer commitment: Make decisions as late as possible to stay flexible and avoid premature fixes.
  • Deliver fast: Deliver small increments quickly to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.
  • Respect people: Foster a culture of mutual respect, empowering teams to take ownership of their work.
  • Optimize the whole: Focus on the entire value stream rather than optimizing individual parts.
  • Enhance team collaboration: Improve communication and cooperation among team members.
  • Sustain customer focus: Keep the customer’s needs at the forefront throughout the development cycle.
  • Visualize work: Use tools like Kanban boards to visualize workflows and identify bottlenecks.
  • Limit Work In Progress (WIP): Minimize multitasking by limiting the number of active tasks.
  • Continuous improvement: Promote ongoing efforts to improve all aspects of the development process.


How these principles can be specifically applied to reduce technical debt in the automotive sector?

The automotive sector, characterized by complex systems and stringent safety requirements, can greatly benefit from applying lean software development principles, particularly in reducing technical debt:


#1 Eliminate waste: By rigorously identifying and eliminating non-value-adding activities, automotive software teams can focus on critical functionalities, reducing redundant code and unnecessary features that contribute to technical debt.

#2 Build quality in: Integrating automated testing and code reviews into the development process ensures defects are caught early, reducing the accumulation of technical debt over time.

#3 Create knowledge: Continuous learning and documentation prevent loss of expertise and ensure that knowledge about system architecture and design decisions is preserved, making future modifications less error-prone.

#4 Defer commitment: By postponing decisions until necessary, teams can incorporate the latest information and technologies, avoiding premature solutions that later become burdensome to maintain.

#5 Deliver fast: Frequent delivery of small, incremental updates allows for quick detection and management of issues before they compound into significant technical debt.

#6 Respect people: Empowering engineers to take ownership and encouraging collaboration fosters an environment where potential issues are identified and addressed early, reducing the likelihood of technical debt buildup.

#7 Optimize the whole: Viewing the entire software development lifecycle helps in identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies that could lead to technical debt, ensuring a more streamlined and cohesive development process.

#8 Enhance team collaboration: Effective communication and alignment on goals reduce misunderstandings and rework, which are common contributors to technical debt.

#9 Sustain customer focus: Keeping the end user’s needs central ensures that the software remains relevant and high-quality, preventing the need for extensive future reworks.

#10 Visualize work: Tools like Kanban boards help track progress and identify areas where tasks are stalling, allowing teams to address issues before they grow into larger problems.

#11 Limit Work In Progress (WIP): Focusing on fewer tasks at a time reduces context switching and improves quality, decreasing the risk of accumulating technical debt.

#12 Continuous improvement: Regular retrospectives and refinements to the development process ensure that past mistakes are learned from and not repeated, gradually reducing technical debt.


Lean strategies for technical debt management

#1 Identify and eliminate waste

Types of waste in software development that contribute to technical debt include:

  • Overproduction: Creating more features than needed, which adds unnecessary complexity.
  • Waiting: Delays due to bottlenecks or dependencies, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Extra processing: Reworking code due to unclear requirements or inadequate testing.
  • Inventory: Keeping unfinished work that clutters the codebase.
  • Motion: Unnecessary movements of data or information causing delays.
  • Defects: Bugs and errors that require fixing, adding to technical debt.


How to eliminate waste?

  • Conduct regular code reviews to catch issues early.
  • Use automated testing to detect defects as they occur.
  • Prioritize clear requirements and effective communication to reduce rework.
  • Implement agile methodologies to streamline workflows and reduce waiting times.


#2 Enhance learning

Implement continuous learning processes to prevent the accumulation of technical debt through preventable software defects:

  • Pair programming: Encourage knowledge sharing and immediate feedback.
  • Code reviews: Regular peer reviews to catch mistakes early.
  • Retrospectives: After each sprint, discuss what went well and what could be improved.
  • Training and development: Invest in ongoing education and professional growth for the team.


Decide as late as possible

Delaying decisions until the last responsible moment minimizes scope changes and over-planning, reducing unnecessary technical debt:

  • Flexible architecture: Design systems that can adapt to late changes without significant rework.
  • Backlog grooming: Regularly reassess priorities to ensure that only the most critical features are implemented.
  • Incremental development: Build in small increments to remain adaptable to changing requirements.


Deliver as fast as possible

Emphasizing rapid delivery to receive user feedback sooner and adjust before technical debt compounds:

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Automate the build and release process to enable frequent, reliable updates.
  • Short iteration cycles: Release small, functioning pieces of software quickly to gather user feedback.
  • Lean startup approach: Develop minimum viable products (MVPs) to test ideas with real users early on.


Empower the team

Creating shared accountability between IT and other business units to collaboratively address technical debt:

  • Cross-functional teams: Foster collaboration between developers, testers, and business stakeholders.
  • Shared goals: Align KPIs and objectives across departments to ensure everyone works towards reducing technical debt.
  • Transparency: Maintain open communication regarding the state of the codebase and technical debt levels.


Build integrity in

Focusing on high-quality code to prevent the introduction of technical debt:

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD): Write tests before the code to ensure functionality meets requirements.
  • Code quality standards: Enforce coding standards and best practices consistently.
  • Refactoring: Regularly refactor code to improve its structure and readability without changing its behavior.


Optimize the whole

Viewing the project as a cohesive whole to ensure that efforts to reduce technical debt in one area do not increase it in another:

  • Holistic view: Assess the impact of changes on the entire system rather than isolated components.
  • Value stream mapping: Visualize the end-to-end process to identify and eliminate bottlenecks.
  • Collaboration tools: Use integrated project management and collaboration tools to keep everyone aligned on objectives and progress.


By integrating these lean strategies into your software development process, you can effectively manage and reduce technical debt, ensuring a more sustainable and efficient workflow for your projects.


Implementing lean principles in the automotive sector

Conduct a Value Stream Mapping (VSM) session

Objective: Identify all steps in the software development process to pinpoint value-adding and non-value-adding activities.

Action: Assemble a cross-functional team to map out current workflows, highlighting areas of inefficiency or waste.


Adopt agile methodologies

Objective: Enhance flexibility and responsiveness by incorporating agile practices such as Scrum or Kanban.

Action: Train teams on agile practices, implement daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives to improve iteration and delivery cycles.


Implement Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Objective: Automate the build, test, and deployment process to ensure faster and more reliable releases.

Action: Set up CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or CircleCI. Ensure all code changes are automatically tested and deployed.


Regular code reviews and pair programming

Objective: Maintain high code quality and facilitate knowledge sharing among developers.

Action: Establish a code review process where peers review each other’s work. Encourage pair programming sessions to solve complex problems collaboratively.


Focus on Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Objective: Prevent defects early by writing tests before code implementation.

Action: Train teams on TDD practices and integrate them into the development workflow. Use testing frameworks like JUnit, Selenium, or PyTest.


Create flexible architectures

Objective: Design systems that can easily adapt to changes without extensive rework.

Action: Apply principles of modular design and microservices architecture to ensure components can be updated independently.


Implement visual management tools

Objective: Enhance transparency and tracking of progress through visual tools.

Action: Use Kanban boards or other visual tools like Jira or Trello to track tasks, identify bottlenecks, and manage workloads effectively.


How to foster a culture that supports lean methodologies and continuous improvement to manage technical debt?

Leadership commitment

Objective: Ensure that top management is committed to Lean principles and continuous improvement.

Action: Provide Lean training for leadership and actively involve them in Lean initiatives. Demonstrate commitment by allocating resources and time for Lean activities.


Empower teams

Objective: Create an environment where teams feel empowered to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

Action: Decentralize decision-making, provide opportunities for skill development and encourage team autonomy. Recognize and reward team achievements.


Foster open communication

Objective: Encourage transparency and open communication across all levels of the organization.

Action: Implement regular meetings, feedback loops, and collaboration tools to facilitate open dialogue. Use these forums to discuss issues, share successes, and brainstorm improvements.


Promote continuous learning

Objective: Cultivate a culture of learning and development to keep up with industry best practices.

Action: Organize regular training sessions, workshops, and conferences. Encourage team members to pursue certifications and advanced education.


Establish clear metrics and KPIs

Objective: Measure the progress and effectiveness of Lean implementation through clear metrics.

Action: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) related to technical debt, cycle time, defect rates, and customer satisfaction. Regularly review these metrics to gauge progress and identify areas for improvement.


Celebrate small wins

Objective: Boost morale and maintain momentum by recognizing small achievements.

Action: Publicly acknowledge team successes, no matter how small. Use these celebrations to reinforce the benefits of Lean practices and continuous improvement.


Iterative improvement

Objective: Embrace an iterative approach to continuous improvement.

Action: Conduct regular retrospectives to reflect on what went well and what didn’t. Use insights gained to make incremental adjustments to processes and practices.


Tools and techniques supporting lean and technical debt reduction

Lean principles focus on maximizing value while minimizing waste. In the realm of software development, this often translates to efficient processes and high-quality code with minimal technical debt. Technical debt, a term for the cost of additional work caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using a better approach, can hinder lean operations. Effectively managing technical debt is crucial for maintaining agility and sustaining long-term productivity. Here, we explore the tools and techniques that aid in the identification, quantification, and management of technical debt in alignment with lean principles.


Identification of technical debt

Code quality tools:

  • SonarQube: An open-source platform that continuously inspects code quality to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and technical debt.
  • ESLint: A static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns in JavaScript code, which can help highlight areas contributing to technical debt.


Code review tools:

  • Crucible: A collaborative code review tool that integrates with various version control systems, enabling teams to identify potential technical debt through peer reviews.
  • GitHub Pull Requests: A feature allowing developers to discuss and review changes before integrating them into the main codebase, ensuring code quality and reducing technical debt.


Quantification of technical debt

Static analysis tools:

  • CAST Highlight: Provides insights into code quality and technical debt by analyzing software at the component level.
  • NDepend: A static analysis tool for .NET developers that calculates technical debt and provides actionable metrics to improve code quality.


Visualization tools:

  • Structure101: Helps visualize and measure software architecture, making it easier to identify and quantify technical debt.
  • CodeScene: Uses behavioral code analysis to identify hotspots and quantify technical debt based on the code’s history and complexity.


Management of technical debt

Continuous Integration (CI): Continuous Integration is a DevOps practice where code changes are automatically tested and integrated into the main branch frequently. This practice supports Lean principles by enabling early detection of defects and reducing the accumulation of technical debt.



  • Jenkins: An open-source automation server that supports building, deploying, and automating software projects.
  • CircleCI: A CI/CD platform that automates development processes and integrates with various tools to maintain code quality.


Automated testing: Automated testing ensures that new code does not introduce new technical debt by verifying functionality through consistent and repeatable tests.



  • Selenium: A suite of tools for automating web browsers, useful for testing web applications.
  • JUnit: A widely used testing framework for Java applications that helps maintain code quality through automated unit tests.


DevOps practices: Embracing DevOps practices such as continuous deployment, infrastructure as code (IaC), and monitoring can significantly support Lean approaches to managing technical debt.



  • Docker: Enables containerization of applications, ensuring consistent environments across development, testing, and production stages.
  • Kubernetes: Automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, promoting efficient handling of technical debt.


Refactoring and documentation: Regular refactoring and maintaining up-to-date documentation are essential for managing technical debt. Refactoring improves code structure without changing its behavior, making it easier to maintain and extend.



  • ReSharper: An extension for Visual Studio that provides code refactoring, analysis, and navigation features.
  • Doxygen: A documentation generator that creates documentation from annotated source code, helping manage technical debt through clear and concise documentation.


Incorporating these tools and techniques into your software development workflow can significantly aid in the identification, quantification, and management of technical debt. Leveraging DevOps practices such as continuous integration and automated testing further supports Lean principles by ensuring high code quality and minimizing waste. By proactively managing technical debt, organizations can maintain agility and sustain long-term productivity, ultimately delivering more value to their customers.


Lean principles in action: read real cases

Lean principles, originally popularized by the automotive industry, focus on creating more value with fewer resources by minimizing waste and optimizing processes. These principles are not only applicable to manufacturing but also to software development, where they can be instrumental in managing and reducing technical debt. Let’s explore real-world examples of automotive companies successfully applying Lean principles to address technical debt and the lessons learned from these implementations.


Toyota: Embracing Continuous Improvement

Toyota, often synonymous with Lean principles, has long been a pioneer in continuous improvement and efficient processes. Their approach to managing technical debt in their software systems involves several key practices:

  • Continuous Integration (CI): Toyota implemented robust CI practices to ensure that all code changes are tested and integrated frequently, reducing the likelihood of defects and technical debt accumulation.
  • Automated testing: To maintain high-quality code and prevent new technical debt, Toyota invested heavily in automated testing frameworks, ensuring that all aspects of their software are rigorously tested with each change.


What was learnt from?

  • Early detection: Frequent integration and automated testing help detect and address defects early, preventing them from becoming significant technical debt.
  • Culture of quality: Embedding a culture of continuous improvement and quality into the development process is crucial for sustainable technical debt management.


Tesla: Agile Development and Rapid Iteration

Tesla, known for its innovative approach to automotive technology, applies Lean principles through agile development and rapid iteration. Their strategies include:

  • Cross-functional teams: Tesla employs cross-functional teams that work collaboratively on software development, ensuring a holistic approach to problem-solving and debt reduction.
  • Incremental improvements: By focusing on incremental improvements and rapid iteration, Tesla avoids large, monolithic changes that could introduce significant technical debt.


What was learnt from?

  • Collaboration: Cross-functional teams enhance communication and ensure that all aspects of the software are considered, reducing the risk of technical debt.
  • Small batches: Incremental improvements and rapid iteration help manage complexity and allow for continuous refinement, minimizing the buildup of technical debt.


Ford: Leveraging DevOps for Efficiency

Ford has adopted DevOps practices to streamline its software development and reduce technical debt. Key initiatives include:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Ford uses IaC to automate the management and provisioning of infrastructure, reducing manual errors and technical debt related to environment inconsistencies.
  • Continuous Deployment (CD): By implementing CD, Ford ensures that code changes are automatically deployed to production environments, facilitating quick feedback and rapid issue resolution.


What was learnt from?

  • Automation: Automating infrastructure and deployment processes reduces manual intervention, thus minimizing the potential for technical debt.
  • Fast feedback loops: Continuous deployment enables swift feedback and quicker resolution of issues, preventing technical debt from accumulating.


Insights and best practices

From these case studies, several key insights and best practices emerge:

#1 Embrace automation: Automated testing, CI/CD, and IaC are critical for reducing manual errors and maintaining high-quality code.

#2 Foster collaboration: Cross-functional teams and a culture of continuous improvement are essential for holistic problem-solving and effective technical debt management.

#3 Iterate incrementally: Small, incremental changes are easier to manage and refine, helping to prevent the accumulation of technical debt.

#4 Focus on early detection: Early detection and resolution of defects through frequent integration and testing can significantly reduce technical debt.


These real-world examples from the automotive industry illustrate the effectiveness of lean principles in managing and reducing technical debt. By embracing automation, fostering collaboration, iterating incrementally, and focusing on early defect detection, companies can achieve sustainable software development practices that align with lean methodologies. These lessons and insights provide valuable guidance for organizations seeking to implement lean principles effectively in their own operations.


Challenges and considerations

#1 Cultural resistance to change

  • Description: Introducing Lean principles often requires a shift in organizational culture, which can be met with resistance from employees accustomed to traditional methods.
  • Impact: Resistance may slow down implementation, leading to delays in managing technical debt effectively.


#2 Integration with existing processes

  • Description: Automotive industries typically have established processes that may not align seamlessly with Lean principles.
  • Impact: Misalignment can cause confusion, inefficiencies, and potential disruptions in operations.


#3 Resource allocation

  • Description: Allocating resources to manage technical debt can be challenging, especially when competing with other high-priority projects.
  • Impact: Insufficient resources can hinder the effective management of technical debt, leading to long-term issues.


#4 Complexity of automotive systems

  • Description: The complexity and interdependence of automotive software and hardware systems can make it difficult to identify and address technical debt.
  • Impact: Overlooking critical debt areas may result in compounded issues and increased maintenance costs.


#5 Measurement and metrics

  • Description: Quantifying technical debt and measuring the impact of Lean practices can be complex.
  • Impact: Lack of clear metrics can make it difficult to track progress and justify investments in Lean initiatives.


Strategies to overcome challenges

#1 Promoting a lean culture

  • Action: Engage leadership and employees in training programs to develop a shared understanding of Lean principles and their benefits.
  • Outcome: Increased buy-in and smoother transition to Lean practices.


#2 Gradual integration

  • Action: Implement Lean principles incrementally, starting with pilot projects to demonstrate value and refine approaches.
  • Outcome: Reduced disruption and better integration with existing processes.


#3 Prioritizing resource allocation

  • Action: Establish a clear prioritization framework to allocate resources effectively based on the severity and impact of technical debt.
  • Outcome: Focused efforts on high-impact areas, leading to more efficient debt management.


#4 Systematic identification and management

  • Action: Develop comprehensive strategies and tools to identify, categorize, and manage technical debt across complex systems.
  • Outcome: Enhanced ability to address critical issues and reduce long-term maintenance costs.


#5 Establishing clear metrics

  • Action: Define specific, measurable metrics to track technical debt and the effectiveness of Lean interventions.
  • Outcome: Improved accountability and ability to demonstrate the ROI of Lean practices.


Considerations for tailoring lean approaches

#1 Understanding organizational context: Tailor Lean principles to align with the unique needs, goals, and constraints of the organization.

#2 Engaging stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders from different departments to ensure a holistic approach and foster collaboration.

#3 Continuous improvement: Emphasize the importance of continuous improvement and iterative development to adapt Lean practices over time.

#4 Balancing short-term and long-term goals: Ensure that Lean initiatives address both immediate technical debt and longer-term sustainability.

#5 Leveraging technology: Utilize advanced tools and technologies to support Lean practices, such as automation and AI-driven analytics.



Lean Software Development principles offer significant advantages for managing technical debt in the automotive industry. Lean practices streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and maintain high software quality through continuous improvement. They reduce costs by minimizing maintenance needs and promoting early issue identification. Lean methodologies also foster adaptability to market changes and encourage cross-functional collaboration, driving innovation. By focusing on sustainable practices, automotive companies can proactively manage technical debt and avoid long-term disruptions. Adopting it is a strategic move that not only addresses immediate challenges but also ensures long-term success and competitiveness in the industry.

Angelika Agapow
Angelika Agapow
Content Marketing Specialist
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