
DevOps: How to Use Kubernetes Ingress for Hybrid Public Access

Kamil Piwowarski
Kamil Piwowarski
Lead DevOps Engineer
January 14
28 min
Table of Contents

Managing traffic efficiently is a fundamental challenge in modern cloud architecture, especially as organizations increasingly adopt public and hybrid cloud solutions. This is where Kubernetes Ingress comes into play—it’s a powerful tool that helps streamline and control incoming traffic to your Kubernetes services. For DevOps teams, Kubernetes Ingress is not just a convenience; it’s an essential component for achieving scalability, reliability, and seamless deployment workflows.

This article explores how Kubernetes Ingress fits into DevOps practices and offers practical insights into utilizing it effectively in public and hybrid cloud environments. Whether you want to enhance security with a tailored approach, we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide focused on securing Kubernetes Ingress to meet your organization’s unique needs. Get ready to unlock the full potential of your DevOps and cloud strategies.

Overcoming Azure Security Challenges in Remote Work and IP Whitelisting

Kubernetes Ingress Public Hybrid Access


The client’s infrastructure is hosted on Microsoft Azure, and access to critical services is tightly controlled for security reasons. Within the client’s office, there is a well-defined range of outgoing public IP addresses. These IPs are whitelisted, ensuring that services are only accessible from within the office network.

However, a significant challenge arises with remote work, which is becoming increasingly prevalent. Employees working remotely do not share the same public IPs as the office. Public IP addresses for remote workers are often assigned dynamically by their Internet Service Providers (ISPs), changing frequently and unpredictably. This makes it nearly impossible to maintain a reliable and up-to-date whitelist for remote users. Additionally, relying solely on IP-based whitelisting presents critical drawbacks:

  • Operational Overhead: Constantly updating the whitelist for each employee’s IP address creates a significant administrative burden.
  • Inefficiency: Employees may lose access temporarily if their IP address changes unexpectedly, disrupting productivity.
  • Security Risks: Adding too many IPs to the whitelist increases the attack surface, potentially exposing services to unauthorized access.

To further complicate matters, the client cannot establish a VPN connection to peer their office network with the Azure infrastructure. While VPNs could provide a stable IP address for remote employees, this limitation—due to unknown reasons—leaves the organization without a straightforward alternative for secure remote access.

This challenge is particularly problematic for long-term contracts and collaborative projects involving remote employees. Without a scalable and secure solution, maintaining efficient and secure workflows becomes increasingly difficult. Employees frequently encounter disruptions, leading to delays, frustration, and a potential loss of trust in the reliability of the infrastructure.

Other potential workarounds, such as using HTTP proxies, are also infeasible due to protocol limitations. Many critical services require UDP or pure TCP access, which most HTTP proxies cannot handle effectively.

Solution Requirements

To address these challenges, the solution must:

  • Ensure Comprehensive Security: Only authorized users should have access, irrespective of their physical or network location.
  • Provide Flexibility: Support various configurations and adapt to changing IP addresses without requiring frequent manual intervention.
  • Guarantee Protocol Compatibility: Accommodate all necessary protocols, including UDP and TCP, ensuring uninterrupted service functionality.

Enhancing User Authorization with Kubernetes, and mTLS Solutions


What We Know So Far

The client’s main requirement is to authorize users based on known IP addresses, specifically from the office network. This approach works well within the office environment and should be extendable for future needs. However, remote workers present a challenge because their IP addresses are not predictable. Therefore, an alternative method of authorization is necessary to accommodate remote users.

The client’s infrastructure runs on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). This provides opportunities to use Kubernetes-native solutions and leverage existing tools such as Nginx Ingress to manage access to services. Additionally, secure communication is already established through the use of TLS, a robust protocol for encrypted connections.

A Theoretical Solution

One promising approach to solving this problem is mutual TLS (mTLS). Unlike standard TLS, where only the client validates the server’s certificate, mTLS allows both the client and the server to authenticate each other. This ensures that only authorized users can access services, regardless of their IP address. Here’s how this could address the client’s needs:

  • Extendable Whitelisting: Known office IPs can continue to be whitelisted for seamless access.
  • Secure Remote Access: Remote employees could authenticate via mTLS, providing a strong layer of security.

However, implementing mTLS introduces several considerations:

  • Certificate Lifecycle Management: If all certificates are signed by the same Certificate Authority (CA), managing certificate revocation becomes critical. For example, when an employee leaves the company, their access must be revoked without requiring all other employees to receive new certificates.
  • Certificate Validation: To simplify revocation, a certificate fingerprinting mechanism could be employed to validate individual certificates rather than relying on the CA alone.
  • Scalability: The solution must scale with the number of users and integrate seamlessly with the existing Kubernetes Ingress setup.

Challenges and Next Steps

One key challenge is integrating these two mechanisms—IP-based whitelisting and mTLS—into a unified Ingress configuration. The Ingress must handle both types of authorization without introducing undue complexity or overhead.

By addressing these theoretical considerations, we can devise a solution that meets the client’s security, scalability, and flexibility requirements. Here is the explanation of what we want to achieve using one tool:

a solution that meets the client’s security, scalability, and flexibility requirements.
Graphical representation of the solution, Hicron Software

Building Test Infrastructure with Pulumi on Azure for Kubernetes PoC

PoC – solution

Phase 1: Test Infrastructure Preparation

The first phase involved creating the test infrastructure using Pulumi to automate the deployment.

Pulumi was chosen to define and deploy the test infrastructure for this solution, leveraging its modern approach to infrastructure-as-code and its ability to integrate seamlessly with programming workflows. Using Pulumi instead of the more commonly used Terraform highlights a fresh and innovative perspective, aligning the solution with emerging trends and showing flexibility in adopting new tools.

The infrastructure was set up entirely on Azure and consisted of:

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): A Kubernetes cluster to replicate the production environment.
  • Two Virtual Machines (VMs): Each VM was assigned a public IP address to simulate access scenarios for whitelisted and non-whitelisted IPs.

This infrastructure served as the foundation for testing the solution. The Git repository will be shared as a source at the end of the article.

Let’s authorize the Azure tenant and then we can proceed with Pulumi.
The first operation using Pulumi is logging in to the state file store which in our case is the local file:

poc: pulumi login --local             
Logged in to vm.local as user (file://~)

Now we can select our setup file(stack):

pulumi stack select poc --cwd infrastructure

Let’s deploy our infrastructure.

poc: export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

poc: pulumi up --cwd infrastructure                  

Previewing update (poc):

     Type                                          Name                                   Plan      

 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                           ingress-nginx-public-restrictions-poc  create    

 +   ├─ tls:index:PrivateKey                       testvm1-ssh-key                        create    

 +   ├─ azure:core:ResourceGroup                   test                                   create    

 +   ├─ random:index:RandomString                  testvm1-domain-label                   create    

 +   ├─ tls:index:PrivateKey                       testvm2-ssh-key                        create    

 +   ├─ random:index:RandomString                  testvm2-domain-label                   create    

 +   ├─ azure:containerservice:KubernetesCluster   testAKS                                create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup  testvm2-security-group                 create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup  testvm1-security-group                 create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork        testvm1-network                        create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork        testvm2-network                        create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:PublicIPAddress       testvm1-public-ip                      create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:PublicIPAddress       testvm2-public-ip                      create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkInterface      testvm1-security-group                 create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkInterface      testvm2-security-group                 create    

 +   ├─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine        testvm1                                create    

 +   └─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine        testvm2                                create    



    kubeConfig    : output<string>

    vm1-ip        : output<string>

    vm1-privatekey: output<string>

    vm2-ip        : output<string>

    vm2-privatekey: output<string>



    + 17 to create


Do you want to perform this update? yes

Updating (poc):

     Type                                          Name                                   Status             

 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                           ingress-nginx-public-restrictions-poc  created (330s)     

 +   ├─ tls:index:PrivateKey                       testvm1-ssh-key                        created (0.36s)    

 +   ├─ random:index:RandomString                  testvm1-domain-label                   created (0.01s)    

 +   ├─ random:index:RandomString                  testvm2-domain-label                   created (0.02s)    

 +   ├─ azure:core:ResourceGroup                   test                                   created (10s)      

 +   ├─ tls:index:PrivateKey                       testvm2-ssh-key                        created (1s)       

 +   ├─ azure:containerservice:KubernetesCluster   testAKS                                created (315s)     

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:PublicIPAddress       testvm2-public-ip                      created (4s)       

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup  testvm1-security-group                 created (2s)       

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork        testvm2-network                        created (4s)       

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork        testvm1-network                        created (4s)       

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:PublicIPAddress       testvm1-public-ip                      created (4s)       

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup  testvm2-security-group                 created (2s)       

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkInterface      testvm2-security-group                 created (1s)       

 +   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkInterface      testvm1-security-group                 created (1s)       

 +   ├─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine        testvm2                                created (48s)      

 +   └─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine        testvm1                                created (48s)      



    kubeConfig    : [secret]

    vm1-ip        : ""

    vm1-privatekey: [secret]

    vm2-ip        : ""

    vm2-privatekey: [secret]



    + 17 created


Duration: 5m37s

Check the access to Kubernetes API and two VMs.

  • Kubernetes API:
poc: pulumi stack output kubeConfig --show-secrets --cwd infrastructure > kubeconfig
poc: kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig get no
NAME                              STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
aks-default-29200747-vmss000000   Ready    <none>   130m   v1.30.6
  • Virtual machines:
poc: pulumi stack output vm1-privatekey --cwd infrastructure --show-secrets > vm1.rsa

poc: chmod 600 vm1.rsa

poc: ssh -i vm1.rsa pulumiuser@$(pulumi stack output vm1-ip --cwd infrastructure)

Linux testvm1 5.10.0-33-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.226-1 (2024-10-03) x86_64


The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;

the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the

individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.


Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent

permitted by applicable law.

pulumiuser@testvm1:~$ exit


Connection to closed.

poc: pulumi stack output vm2-privatekey --cwd infrastructure --show-secrets > vm2.rsa

poc: chmod 600 vm2.rsa                                                              

poc: ssh -i vm2.rsa pulumiuser@$(pulumi stack output vm2-ip --cwd infrastructure)   

Linux testvm2 5.10.0-33-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.226-1 (2024-10-03) x86_64


pulumiuser@testvm2:~$ exit


Connection to closed.

The test infrastructure is fully set up and operational, ready for validating all scenarios.

Phase 2: Deployment of Nginx Ingress Controller

With the infrastructure ready, the next step was to deploy a pure Nginx Ingress controller onto the AKS cluster. This deployment used a default configuration to establish a baseline for further customization.
We used the official Ingress helm chart to deploy a quickly stable Ingress Nginx version.

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment and management of applications by using reusable, configurable charts. It streamlines the setup process, making it easier to define, install, and upgrade complex Kubernetes resources.

The first phase, default deployment with one replica:

The values file:




      enabled: true

      type: LoadBalancer

      externalTrafficPolicy: Local

    replicaCount: 1

Deployment of Ingress Nginx:

poc: helm dependency build ./ingress-nginx

Getting updates for unmanaged Helm repositories...

...Successfully got an update from the "" chart repository

Saving 1 charts

Downloading ingress-nginx from repo

Deleting outdated charts

poc: helm upgrade --kubeconfig=kubeconfig --install --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace ingress ./ingress-nginx

Release "ingress" does not exist. Installing it now.

NAME: ingress

LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jan  7 15:27:50 2025

NAMESPACE: ingress-nginx

STATUS: deployed



Now we can get the external IP for the Ingress services assigned from Azure.

poc: kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig -n ingress-nginx get service

NAME                                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE

ingress-ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer   80:32102/TCP,443:32518/TCP   75s

ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP     <none>         443/TCP                      75s

Quick check that the service is accessible:

poc: curl                                                                                                                    


<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>


<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>




Have you heard about This is a great solution for PoC to assign hosts in ingress without changing anything in any domain:

poc: curl -k


<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>


<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>




Thanks to this solution, we can deploy and test an example application behind Ingress. The Podinfo app will be sufficient.

The Chart.yaml change:


  - name: ingress-nginx

    version: 4.11.3


  - name: podinfo

    version: 6.7.1


The values.yaml changes, to set ingress for this app and test it.




      enabled: true

      type: LoadBalancer

      externalTrafficPolicy: Local

    replicaCount: 1




    message: "It works as expected!"


    enabled: true

    className: "nginx"


      - host:


          - path: /

            pathType: ImplementationSpecific


poc: helm dependency update ./ingress-nginx

Getting updates for unmanaged Helm repositories...

...Successfully got an update from the "" chart repository

...Successfully got an update from the "" chart repository

Saving 2 charts

Downloading ingress-nginx from repo

Downloading podinfo from repo

Deleting outdated charts

poc: helm upgrade --kubeconfig=kubeconfig --install --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace ingress ./ingress-nginx

Release "ingress" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!

NAME: ingress

LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jan  8 12:56:32 2025

NAMESPACE: ingress-nginx

STATUS: deployed


poc: curl -k                                                                              


  "hostname": "ingress-podinfo-59788c475f-bwdmj",

  "version": "6.7.1",

  "revision": "6b7aab8a10d6ee8b895b0a5048f4ab0966ed29ff",

  "color": "#34577c",

  "logo": "",

  "message": "It works as expected!",

  "goos": "linux",

  "goarch": "amd64",

  "runtime": "go1.23.2",

  "num_goroutine": "8",

  "num_cpu": "2"


The initial configuration has been completed. The Ingress Nginx and Podinfo(our example application) are ready. Now it’s time to test the options we have.

Phase 3: Configure Whitelisting and Test

In this phase, the IP whitelisting feature of the Nginx Ingress controller was configured. The public IP addresses of the two VMs were added to the whitelist to simulate a controlled office network environment.

The testing process included:

  • Access from Whitelisted IPs: Verifying that requests originating from the whitelisted VM IPs were allowed access through the ingress controller.
  • Access from Non-Whitelisted IPs: Confirming that requests from any other public IPs were blocked, demonstrating the effectiveness of the whitelist configuration.

This structured approach ensured that each solution component was thoroughly tested before progressing to further enhancements, such as integrating client certificate validation with mTLS.

The whitelisting in Ingress Nginx is so easy to achieve because this is the built-in feature by annotation.

We need to add one annotation with the CIDR to be whitelisted. It is officially described here:

We can whitelist our virtual machine on Azure called VM1.

poc: pulumi stack output vm1-ip --cwd infrastructure

The change in the values.yaml file for the Helm deployment:



    message: "It works as expected!"


    enabled: true

    className: "nginx"

    annotations: ""


      - host:


          - path: /

            pathType: ImplementationSpecific


poc: helm upgrade --kubeconfig=kubeconfig --install --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace ingress ./ingress-nginx

Release "ingress" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!

NAME: ingress

LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jan  8 20:55:21 2025

NAMESPACE: ingress-nginx

STATUS: deployed


A quick test from my machine:

poc: curl -k                                                                               


<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>


<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>




Do the same from the VM1:

poc: ssh -i vm1.rsa pulumiuser@$(pulumi stack output vm1-ip --cwd infrastructure)                                      

Linux testvm1 5.10.0-33-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.226-1 (2024-10-03) x86_64


pulumiuser@testvm1:~$ curl -k


  "hostname": "ingress-podinfo-59788c475f-bwdmj",

  "version": "6.7.1",

  "revision": "6b7aab8a10d6ee8b895b0a5048f4ab0966ed29ff",

  "color": "#34577c",

  "logo": "",

  "message": "It works as expected!",

  "goos": "linux",

  "goarch": "amd64",

  "runtime": "go1.23.2",

  "num_goroutine": "8",

  "num_cpu": "2"


We have a confirmation that the whitelisting works as expected!

Phase 4: Integration of mTLS Authentication

In this phase, we modified the authentication strategy to incorporate mutual TLS (mTLS) for enhanced security. The goal was to ensure that remote workers could authenticate securely without relying on dynamic IP whitelisting.

Key Changes:

  • We switched from IP-based whitelisting to mTLS authentication, where both the client and the server authenticate each other using certificates.
  • The Nginx Ingress controller was updated to support client certificate validation.

To configure mutual TLS (mTLS) for the ingress, it was necessary to generate both a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and client certificates using OpenSSL. The CA certificate establishes trust by signing client certificates, while the client certificates authenticate users, ensuring secure and authorized access to services.

The Ingress Nginx also supports mTLS by annotations; let’s quickly configure and test it.

The CA certificate generation and putting it as secret in the templates folder.

poc: openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096

poc: openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out ca.crt

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated

into your certificate request.

What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank

For some fields there will be a default value,

If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.


Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:

State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:

Locality Name (eg, city) []:

Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:

Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:

Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:

Email Address []:


poc: kubectl create secret generic mtls-ca-cert --from-file ca.crt --dry-run=client -o yaml > ingress-nginx/templates/mtls-ca-cert-secret.yaml

Changes in the values.yaml file:



    message: "It works as expected!"


    enabled: true

    className: "nginx"

    annotations: "on" "ingress-nginx/mtls-ca-cert"


      - host:


          - path: /

            pathType: ImplementationSpecific

Update the application and do some tests.

poc: helm upgrade --kubeconfig=kubeconfig --install --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace ingress ./ingress-nginx

Release "ingress" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!

NAME: ingress

LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jan  8 21:12:38 2025

NAMESPACE: ingress-nginx

STATUS: deployed



poc: curl -k                                                                               


<head><title>400 No required SSL certificate was sent</title></head>


<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>

<center>No required SSL certificate was sent</center>




Client’s certificate generation.

poc: openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out client.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048



poc: openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=SanFrancisco/O=MyOrganization/OU=MyOrgUnit/"

poc: openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out client.crt -days 365

Certificate request self-signature ok

subject=C=US, ST=California, L=SanFrancisco, O=MyOrganization, OU=MyOrgUnit,

Test retry:

poc: curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key --cacert ca.crt


  "hostname": "ingress-podinfo-59788c475f-bwdmj",

  "version": "6.7.1",

  "revision": "6b7aab8a10d6ee8b895b0a5048f4ab0966ed29ff",

  "color": "#34577c",

  "logo": "",

  "message": "It works as expected!",

  "goos": "linux",

  "goarch": "amd64",

  "runtime": "go1.23.2",

  "num_goroutine": "8",

  "num_cpu": "2"


Challenge Encountered: While configuring mTLS authentication, we discovered an important limitation: it is not possible to simultaneously enforce IP-based whitelisting and mTLS authentication in a single request. The Nginx Ingress controller does not natively support both mechanisms at the same time in one request due to the way it handles incoming traffic.

To overcome this limitation, we had to consider a workaround allowing both features to coexist.

Phase 5: Implementing LUA Script for Dual Authentication

NOTE: Hicron Software is not responsible for code snippets presented in the article and those should be used at own risk.

Given the limitations of the Nginx Ingress controller, we explored using Lua scripts to create a custom solution. Lua scripts allow for fine-grained control over request handling, enabling the combination of both IP-based whitelisting and mTLS authentication.

We implemented a Lua script within the Nginx configuration that performed the following:

  • IP Whitelisting Check: First, the script checks if the incoming request is from a whitelisted IP address.
  • mTLS Authentication Check: If the IP address is allowed, the script checks whether the client has presented a valid certificate.

If both conditions (valid IP and valid client certificate) were satisfied, the request would be allowed to proceed. We consider the offboarding process for employees or clients with the client certificate. Fingerprint validation is the solution we are looking for!

To add LUA script, we need to enable snippet annotation for configuration in our Ingress Nginx deployment in values.yaml file:




      enabled: true

      type: LoadBalancer

      externalTrafficPolicy: Local

    replicaCount: 1

    allowSnippetAnnotations: true

The LUA script covers:

  • IP whitelisting
  • mTLS
  • Fingerprint validation of client certificate from the whitelist

Fingerprint generation:

poc: openssl x509 -in client.crt -noout -fingerprint -sha1 | awk -F= '{print $2}' | sed 's/://g'


Here’s a sample configuration for integrating both IP whitelisting and mTLS authentication using Lua:



    message: "It works as expected!"


    enabled: true

    className: "nginx"

    annotations: "optional" "ingress-nginx/mtls-ca-cert" |

        # Load the IP whitelist from the mounted ConfigMap file

        set_by_lua_block $ip_whitelist {

          local function escape_pattern(s)

            return (s:gsub("([^%w])", "\\%1"))  -- Escape special characters with backslash


          local whitelist = ""

          local f ="/etc/nginx/configmaps/whitelist-ips", "r")

          if f then

            for line in f:lines() do

              local escaped_line = escape_pattern(line:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"))  -- Trim and escape

              if whitelist == "" then

                whitelist = escaped_line


                whitelist = whitelist .. "|" .. escaped_line






          -- Log the resolved whitelist

          ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Resolved IP Whitelist: ", whitelist)


          return whitelist



        # Allow access if the IP is whitelisted or if the client certificate is valid

        set $allow_access 0;


        set_by_lua_block $ip_valid {

          local client_ip = ngx.var.remote_addr

          local whitelist_regex = ngx.var.ip_whitelist


          -- Perform regex match

          local matched =, whitelist_regex)


          if not matched then

            return 0



          return 1



        # Check the client certificate in Lua and validate

        set_by_lua_block $client_cert_valid {

          local client_cert = ngx.var.ssl_client_cert

          local client_verify = ngx.var.ssl_client_verify

          ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Debug: Client Cert: ", client_cert)

          ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Debug: Client Cert Verify Status: ", client_verify)


          local client_cert_fingerprint = ngx.var.ssl_client_fingerprint


          ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Debug: Client Cert Fingerprint: ", ngx.var.ssl_client_fingerprint)


          -- Check if the client certificate fingerprint is in the allowed list

          local matched_cert = false

          local f ="/etc/nginx/configmaps/allowed-cert-fingerprints", "r")

          for fingerprint in f:lines() do

            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Debug: fingerprint on list: ", fingerprint)

            if client_cert_fingerprint == string.lower(fingerprint) then

              matched_cert = true





          ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Debug: Client Cert Fingerprint matched: ", matched_cert)


          if client_verify == "SUCCESS" and matched_cert then

            return 1


            return 0





        if ($ip_valid = 1) {

          set $allow_access 1;



        if ($client_cert_valid = 1) {

          set $allow_access 1;



        if ($allow_access = 0) {

          return 403;  # Deny access



      - host:


          - path: /

            pathType: ImplementationSpecific

There is a crucial change in the annotation It must be set as an optional to do optional client certificate validation against the CAs from auth-tls-secret.

The request fails with status code 400 (Bad Request) when a certificate is provided that is not signed by the CA. When no or an otherwise invalid certificate is provided, the request does not fail, but instead the verification result is sent to the upstream service.

You may noticed we have a configuration in the file /etc/nginx/configmaps/whitelist-ips

The config map content:

apiVersion: v1

kind: ConfigMap


  name: nginx-whitelist-config


  whitelist-ips: |


  allowed-cert-fingerprints: |


We should also mount it in the Ingress Nginx deployment:




      enabled: true

      type: LoadBalancer

      externalTrafficPolicy: Local

    replicaCount: 1

    allowSnippetAnnotations: true



      - name: whitelist-config


          name: nginx-whitelist-config



      - name: whitelist-config

        mountPath: /etc/nginx/configmaps

        readOnly: true

It is time to update both apps and take a test:

poc: helm upgrade --kubeconfig=kubeconfig --install --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace ingress ./ingress-nginx

Release "ingress" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!

NAME: ingress

LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jan  9 12:46:44 2025

NAMESPACE: ingress-nginx

STATUS: deployed


Final testing time:

  • VM1 with whitelisted IP:
poc: ssh -i vm1.rsa pulumiuser@$(pulumi stack output vm1-ip --cwd infrastructure)

Linux testvm1 5.10.0-33-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.226-1 (2024-10-03) x86_64        

pulumiuser@testvm1:~$ curl -k


"hostname": "ingress-podinfo-59788c475f-bwdmj",

"version": "6.7.1",

"revision": "6b7aab8a10d6ee8b895b0a5048f4ab0966ed29ff",

"color": "#34577c",

"logo": "",

"message": "It works as expected!",

"goos": "linux",

"goarch": "amd64",

"runtime": "go1.23.2",

"num_goroutine": "8",

"num_cpu": "2"

  • VM2 without client cert:
poc: ssh -i vm2.rsa pulumiuser@$(pulumi stack output vm2-ip --cwd infrastructure)

Linux testvm2 5.10.0-33-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.226-1 (2024-10-03) x86_64


pulumiuser@testvm2:~$ curl -k


<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>


<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>



  • VM2 with client certificate:
poc: scp -i vm2.rsa {client.crt,client.key,ca.crt} pulumiuser@$(pulumi stack output vm2-ip --cwd infrastructure):/tmp/

client.crt                                                                                                                                                     100% 1655    56.1KB/s   00:00   

client.key                                                                                                                                                     100% 1704    57.3KB/s   00:00   



poc: ssh -i vm2.rsa pulumiuser@$(pulumi stack output vm2-ip --cwd infrastructure)                                    

Linux testvm2 5.10.0-33-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.226-1 (2024-10-03) x86_64


pulumiuser@testvm2:~$ curl -k --cert /tmp/client.crt --key /tmp/client.key --cacert /tmp/ca.crt


"hostname": "ingress-podinfo-59788c475f-bwdmj",

"version": "6.7.1",

"revision": "6b7aab8a10d6ee8b895b0a5048f4ab0966ed29ff",

"color": "#34577c",

"logo": "",

"message": "It works as expected!",

"goos": "linux",

"goarch": "amd64",

"runtime": "go1.23.2",

"num_goroutine": "8",

"num_cpu": "2"



  • IP Whitelisting: The $allowed_ip variable is set to 1 for whitelisted IPs ( and 0 for others.
  • mTLS Authentication: The $mTLS_authenticated variable checks if the client certificate is validated successfully ($ssl_client_verify = SUCCESS).
  • Request Handling: The script ensures that only requests from whitelisted IPs and clients with valid certificates can access the service.

Phase 6: Testing and Validation

After implementing the Lua script, the following tests were conducted:

  1. Whitelisted IP with Valid Certificate: Requests from whitelisted IP addresses with a valid client certificate were allowed to access the services.
  2. Non-Whitelisted IP with Valid Certificate: Requests from non-whitelisted IPs with a valid certificate were blocked, ensuring the IP-based restriction was enforced.
  3. Whitelisted IP with Invalid Certificate: Requests from whitelisted IP addresses with an invalid certificate were blocked.
  4. Non-Whitelisted IP with Invalid Certificate: Requests from non-whitelisted IPs without a valid certificate were blocked.

This approach successfully combined IP whitelisting and mTLS authentication, offering secure access to services for both internal users and remote workers.


poc: pulumi destroy --cwd infrastructure

Previewing destroy (poc):

     Type                                          Name                                   Plan      

 -   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                           ingress-nginx-public-restrictions-poc  delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkInterface      testvm2-security-group                 delete    

 -   ├─ random:index:RandomString                  testvm2-domain-label                   delete    

 -   ├─ azure:containerservice:KubernetesCluster   testAKS                                delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup  testvm1-security-group                 delete    

 -   ├─ tls:index:PrivateKey                       testvm2-ssh-key                        delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine        testvm2                                delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine        testvm1                                delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:PublicIPAddress       testvm2-public-ip                      delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork        testvm2-network                        delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup  testvm2-security-group                 delete    

 -   ├─ random:index:RandomString                  testvm1-domain-label                   delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkInterface      testvm1-security-group                 delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:PublicIPAddress       testvm1-public-ip                      delete    

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork        testvm1-network                        delete    

 -   ├─ azure:core:ResourceGroup                   test                                   delete    

 -   └─ tls:index:PrivateKey                       testvm1-ssh-key                        delete    



  - kubeConfig    : [secret]

  - vm1-ip        : ""

  - vm1-privatekey: [secret]

  - vm2-ip        : ""

  - vm2-privatekey: [secret]



    - 17 to delete


Do you want to perform this destroy? yes

Destroying (poc):

     Type                                          Name                                   Status             

 -   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                           ingress-nginx-public-restrictions-poc  deleted (0.06s)    

 -   ├─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine        testvm2                                deleted (44s)      

 -   ├─ azure-native:compute:VirtualMachine        testvm1                                deleted (44s)      

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkInterface      testvm2-security-group                 deleted (5s)       

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkInterface      testvm1-security-group                 deleted (4s)       

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:PublicIPAddress       testvm1-public-ip                      deleted (11s)      

 -   ├─ azure:containerservice:KubernetesCluster   testAKS                                deleted (222s)     

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup  testvm1-security-group                 deleted (1s)       

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:PublicIPAddress       testvm2-public-ip                      deleted (10s)      

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork        testvm1-network                        deleted (11s)      

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork        testvm2-network                        deleted (11s)      

 -   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup  testvm2-security-group                 deleted (2s)       

 -   ├─ tls:index:PrivateKey                       testvm2-ssh-key                        deleted (0.02s)    

 -   ├─ tls:index:PrivateKey                       testvm1-ssh-key                        deleted (0.07s)    

 -   ├─ azure:core:ResourceGroup                   test                                   deleted (49s)      

 -   ├─ random:index:RandomString                  testvm2-domain-label                   deleted (0.04s)    

 -   └─ random:index:RandomString                  testvm1-domain-label                   deleted (0.09s)    



  - kubeConfig    : [secret]

  - vm1-ip        : ""

  - vm1-privatekey: [secret]

  - vm2-ip        : ""

  - vm2-privatekey: [secret]



    - 17 deleted


Duration: 5m23s

Summary and Benefits

By implementing the described architecture and tools, configuring and deploying the mTLS solution has been significantly streamlined, saving hours of manual work. In practice, deploying this solution involves running scripts to automate certificate generation, configuring the Ingress with a Helm chart, and seamlessly integrating it with the existing infrastructure quickly and repeatedly.

For example, an administrator can run a script to generate the necessary certificates and then update the Kubernetes Ingress configuration with a single Helm command, enabling full-service security for both on-site and remote employees in just a few minutes.

The repository with configuration can be found here:

Concluding Remarks

Managing access in hybrid cloud environments presents unique challenges, particularly given the growing need for secure and flexible solutions. This article explored how Kubernetes Ingress addresses these challenges by streamlining traffic management while integrating advanced security protocols like mutual TLS (mTLS). From IP whitelisting to certificate-based authentication, we demonstrated practical techniques to optimize both accessibility and security for public and hybrid cloud setups.

By leveraging Kubernetes Ingress in your DevOps practices, you can significantly boost scalability, ensure robust security, and simplify workflows—all essential factors for efficient cloud management. Implementing mTLS adds a crucial layer of trust, offering authentication solutions that adapt seamlessly to remote work scenarios without compromising security or productivity.

We encourage you to explore these strategies further and consider how they could enhance your organization’s cloud infrastructure. Check out our DevOps platform. For additional resources or guidance, contact us to tailor these solutions to your specific needs. The potential for improved efficiency and security awaits—start transforming your DevOps processes today.

Kamil Piwowarski
Kamil Piwowarski
Lead DevOps Engineer
  • follow the expert:


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The IT system supporting the work of retail outlets is the foundation of our business. The ability to optimize and adapt it to the needs of all entities in the PSA Group is of strategic importance and we consider it a step into the future. This project is a huge challenge: not only for us in terms of organization, but also for our partners – including Hicron – in terms of adapting the system to the needs and business models of PSA. Cooperation with Hicron consultants, taking into account their competences in the field of programming and processes specific to the automotive sector, gave us many reasons to be satisfied.


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