
Digital Software Services at Hicron Software House – Agile and trends in IT

What is Agile delivery from our point of view
Maciej Lorenc
Maciej Lorenc
Lead Quality Assurance Engineer
June 25
5 min
Table of Contents

The Digital Software Services team at Hicron Software House usually works using agile methods. Agility in creating even the most complex applications is critical: it helps to work faster and more efficiently, and the client can routinely monitor the progress of work. What is agile delivery at Hicron Software House and what software trends are prevalent in the markets?

Agile transformation and other trends in IT

What first started as a software development methodology, now is considered one of the ways of conducting your business. More and more companies see the benefits of agile transformation, which means changing work culture and reorganizing the structure of the business. As a result, the company becomes flexible and is more able to answer the market’s changes.

Virtually every client places special emphasis on the security, performance, and stability of the software we are supposed to design and implement. Clients also frequently refer to ergonomic solutions, transparent interfaces, and compliance with UX trends.

Cloud technologies should also be mentioned here – there are few companies nowadays that want to be responsible for maintaining hardware and investing both in IT infrastructure and in competencies that are not very relevant to the business. Cloud Computing is certainly a tendency that will persist and quickly develop – and it is a tendency that has a great synergy with agile delivery.

Revolution is not the option. I mean, is not the option at any time, because you need to listen carefully what is happening on the floor. Well, the first steps from our perspective is to understand business as usual. So I’m listening to the people trying to understand how we deliver to clients what we perceive as a quality delivery, what we value the most in terms of our values in the organization.

Piotr Baradziej
Piotr Baradziej
Head of Hicron Software House

The agile delivery approach

Our methods are particularly convenient when working with small and medium-sized companies. They need swift actions, have the courage and are ready for new solutions. If these companies are ready to establish partner relations with Hicron Software House – then we are ready to help them go through the agile transformation.

The -Hicron Software House team focuses on agile delivery. We use methods such as SCRUM and Kanban. This form of work contributes to close interaction with the clients, consultation of subsequent steps with them and full transparency of such steps. This is frequently shocking to our new clients – there are few organizations that are accustomed to this work philosophy.

In agile delivery, the team usually delivers subsequent changes or functions within two weeks, presents them to the client, consults the next steps, and the client regularly receives an update of the user acceptance environment. Then, the client gets back to the -Hicron Software House team with ideas and acceptances.

Customer-centric teams

Software engineers of -Hicron Software House always work directly with the product, which enables them to meet the business needs of the clients. Quick project development and efficient change management help when suddenly everything “turns upside down” – at such times it is fairly easy to change direction. Methods used under the banner of agile transformation enable close cooperation of the -Hicron Software House team with the client, which benefits both sides: software engineers have the sense of control over their work and find it easier to accept responsibility for its results, and clients that actively participate in the process are more likely to return to our company.

For the -Hicron Software House team, caring for the client is very important: they begin working on the project with several developers, who create the backup for their own needs. Naturally, the team also includes the Agile Delivery Lead, who is responsible for uninterrupted implementation. Then, we increase the team by including further programmers as well as testers. This way creates “customer-centric” teams managed by experienced PMs. Cooperation like that can be the first step for agile transformation – and we are encouraging companies to make that step.

Here are some other recent trends in Agile for IT:

  1. DevOps Integration: Agile and DevOps are increasingly being integrated to improve collaboration between development and operations teams, enhance efficiency, and shorten development cycles.
  2. Distributed Agile Development: With the rise of remote work, distributed Agile development has become more prevalent. This approach allows teams spread across different locations to work together effectively.
  3. AI and Automation in Agile Development: AI and automation are being used to streamline Agile processes, from project management to testing and quality assurance.
  4. Agile at Scale: Organizations are scaling Agile practices to larger teams and projects, often through frameworks like SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework).
  5. Increased Focus on Customer Experience: Agile teams are becoming more customer-centric, using feedback and data to guide development and ensure products meet user needs.
  6. Design Thinking & Business Agility: Design thinking is being incorporated into Agile workflows to foster innovation and better address customer needs. Business agility, the ability to adapt quickly to market changes, is also a growing focus.
  7. Upskilling and Cross-Skilling: Agile teams are focusing on learning new skills and technologies to improve their ability to deliver value quickly and effectively.
  8. Value Stream Management: This approach, which involves visualizing and optimizing the process of delivering new features or products, is becoming more popular in Agile environments.
  9. Adoption of DevSecOps: This trend involves integrating security practices into the DevOps process, promoting more secure code and applications.
  10. Remote Collaboration: With the rise of remote work due to the pandemic, tools and practices that support effective remote collaboration are becoming increasingly important in Agile environments.

Interested in cooperation with us? Check our services, see our case studies or just send us a message!

Maciej Lorenc
Maciej Lorenc
Lead Quality Assurance Engineer
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What our partners say about us

Hicron’s contributions have been vital in making our product ready for commercialization. Their commitment to excellence, innovative solutions, and flexible approach were key factors in our successful collaboration.
I wholeheartedly recommend Hicron to any organization seeking a strategic long-term partnership, reliable and skilled partner for their technological needs.

tantum sana logo transparent
Günther Kalka
Managing Director, tantum sana GmbH

After carefully evaluating suppliers, we decided to try a new approach and start working with a near-shore software house. Cooperation with Hicron Software House was something different, and it turned out to be a great success that brought added value to our company.

With HICRON’s creative ideas and fresh perspective, we reached a new level of our core platform and achieved our business goals.

Many thanks for what you did so far; we are looking forward to more in future!

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Jan-Henrik Schulze
Head of Industrial Lines Development at HDI Group

Hicron is a partner who has provided excellent software development services. Their talented software engineers have a strong focus on collaboration and quality. They have helped us in achieving our goals across our cloud platforms at a good pace, without compromising on the quality of our services. Our partnership is professional and solution-focused!

NBS logo
Phil Scott
Director of Software Delivery at NBS

The IT system supporting the work of retail outlets is the foundation of our business. The ability to optimize and adapt it to the needs of all entities in the PSA Group is of strategic importance and we consider it a step into the future. This project is a huge challenge: not only for us in terms of organization, but also for our partners – including Hicron – in terms of adapting the system to the needs and business models of PSA. Cooperation with Hicron consultants, taking into account their competences in the field of programming and processes specific to the automotive sector, gave us many reasons to be satisfied.


PSA Group - Wikipedia
Peter Windhöfel
IT Director At PSA Group Germany

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